Baptism and BBQ Sunday

Baptism and BBQ

This Sunday (7/31) is the annual actionchurch Baptism and BBQ at John Rudy Park (Bluebird pavilion- in the rear past the dog park).  Instead of meeting at our North York Venue for a Sunday service, we’ll gather at the park to share some delicious pit BBQ, eat ice-cream, talk, laugh, play games, and then maybe eat more ice-cream.  We’ll have bounce houses for the kids, and this year a brand new game (9 Square) that anyone can play.   Most importantly, we’ll cheer on our actionchurch friends who are choosing to publicly acknowledge that they are followers of Jesus Christ through water Baptism.

It all gets started at 11, the meal begins at noon, and we’ll have baptisms at 1:00.  Feel free to bring friends and family members, as the event is a great opportunity to get to know actionchurch folks in a relaxed and even-more-casual-than-sunday-if-that’s-posible

National Night out-August 2nd


But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Luke 10:29
My high school was a huge, open-space sprawling complex that warehoused over 1500 teenagers. The lockers really were big enough to stuff a kid into, the football stadium was named in honor of our janitor, and no one smoked in the bathrooms because we had an actual, school-sanctioned smoking area (the eighties were strange). There were lots of groups in my high school- jocks, geeks, theater kids, punks, metal heads, skaters, cheerleaders– and somehow I was friends with all of them.

I didn’t fit in, so to survive high school I adapted– I fit in EVERYWHERE. It wasn’t because I was cool, coordinated, funny or artsy (trust me, I wasn’t). It had nothing to do with the clothes I wore, the bands I liked, or the fact that I attended summer school to TRY to pass algebra for the third time.
Nope, I got to know people who didn’t look or think or act like me because I was simply willing to meet them. Talk with them. Listen. Look for things we had in common. Not feel threatened by our differences.

Being willing to meet people who didn’t look or think or act like me got me through high school. And college. Living in a foreign country. Working in a factory. Teaching middle school. Moving to a new state. Carpooling teenagers. Being part of a church.

And it’s what is getting me through this “BREAKING NEWS” summer of terror and fear and hate and anger.

“Who is my neighbor?” Like the expert questioning Jesus, we are still trying to come to terms with what Jesus means when he commands us to love our neighbor, with exactly WHO he means for us to love. Because let’s be honest, it’s easy to love people who like what you like, do what you do, live where you live. But what if EVERYONE is our neighbor? Not just the people who are like us, who agree with us, who believe what we believe? Because according to Jesus, everyone is our neighbor. There are no outsiders or insiders, no us or them, no black or white, no red or blue. We are sent to “love people”, not “love just some people”.

If you missed the announcement Sunday, actionchurch has been give the opportunity to participate in North York Borough’s “National Night Out” event. This night is a long running event designed with a mission: to “connect police officers and community members by going outside as a way to improve relations”.

I invite you to join actionchurch from 6pm- 8pm on August 2nd at the North York Park (305 east 5th Avenue). Come a little early to help set-up. Hang out at the bounce houses. Serve some shaved ice. Temporarily tattoo some kids. Meet the hundreds of people who live within walking distance of actionchurch, the firefighters and police officers who serve and protect. In the middle of this long, hot, “BREAKING NEWS” summer, come out and love our neighbors.

-Jennifer Burr

Celebrate and serve July 4th with actionchurch!

ac bounce houses

Don’t have plans for July 4th? Need an “exit strategy” from another big family cookout? You’re invited to hang out with us!

We’ve got a GREAT opportunity to celebrate with our neighbors in North York Borough on July 4th and you can be part of it!

We’re looking for a few more actionchurch folks who would like to spend their Monday evening at North York’s Kauffman Park (350 East 5th Avenue). We’ll be serving free shaved ice and making sure all the little ones in the neighborhood get their turn in the actionchurch bounce houses. Come down and help out–set-up starts at 5:30, serving starts at 6:00, tear down around 8:00, then stay to hang out and enjoy the fireworks with us!

It’s a wrap…

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“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.

The Lord be with all of you.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16

Studying Paul’s journey throughout the New Testament as he started the early churches gives us an amazing example of resilience. When we read about his trials and struggles, we can almost feel his pain and heartache….and – believe it or not – JOY! But what I love the most about the way Paul writes is that he is personable. He greets everyone by name. He tries to include everyone individually.

“Greet Aquila and Priscilla, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus…..”
“I commend to you our sister Phoebe…..”
“Greet my dear friend Epenetus….Ampliatus….Urbanus….Herodion”
“Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything…”

So I apologize if during Relay for Life I’ve ever greeted you by yelling – “Hey! Juny’s son….can you come carry this heavy thing!” Or, something even less personable (and more obnoxious) like – “Allison’s boyfriend – here is a dishrag-wash up these dishes” I am TERRIBLE with names. I have to know you like ten years before I even realize who your specific children are. I am TRULY SORRY I am not more like the apostle Paul.

As we wrap up Relay for Life this year I want to thank each of you by name. But I can’t. There were so many of my “fellow workers in Christ Jesus” running around with actionchurch t-shirts, serving, lifting, leading, dragging, sweating, carrying heavy things – that I couldn’t possibly remember everyone’s name. Thank you for serving! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And even that is not enough.

I commend you all for a job well done! You have my undying gratitude for putting up with the bumps and hiccups (and the DJ). I praise the way you dealt with the screaming children, the missing forks, melted cobbler and the general chaos that is Relay for Life. I loved the way the volunteers in each area pulled together, instructed and uplifted each other. It made my heart burst with happiness to see all of you loving the cancer survivors and their caregivers in such wonderful and unique ways.

And, perhaps even more than that, I celebrate the smiles, the hugs and handshakes, the pats on the back that were exchanged amongst “the crew”. We are a church filled not just with people – but with friends and fellow workers in Christ. We all have our quirks and our faults; we have imperfections and burdens. But together – through events like Relay for Life – we are able to not only Love God, Love People and Take Action – but we are also Loving One Another.

Well done actionchurch. Well done.

“Finally, brothers, good-by. Aim for perfection, listen to my appeal, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.”

2 Corinthians 13:11

Serving at Relay for Life 2016?

If you are still trying to decide if you are coming out to serve cancer survivors and their caregivers at Relay for Life, this video will let you know what serving LOOKS LIKE.  There  is, however, NO WAY to let you know what if FEELS LIKE to spend a night serving really deserving folks with other actionchurchers. You need to experience that for yourself.  We’ve got over 100 people signed up for action this year…but we still have a T-shirt and a job waiting for YOU!
