
The goal of actiongroups is to connect people into groups who will come together on a regular basis to love God, love people, and take action in their homes and communities!

We have a bunch of awesome groups already that you can plug into right away. If you don’t see a group that interests you, we would love for you to start your own! If you have any questions, want to join a group, or want to start a group, shoot us an email at!

Bible Study
Sundays at 6 p.m. at Josiah & Rachel’s Home

Led by Josiah & Rachel Katz.

Last Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at actionchurch
This actiongroup plans for a project each month. Additional opportunities to serve are channeled to the group/individuals as they arise. Our goal is to become a focal point for matching those who have a need with those who have a talent and a willingness to serve.
Led by Rick Bull & Jeff Geiselman.

Daniel Plan
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at actionchurch
A weight-loss actiongroup that does a light workout, studies the Bible, and supports each other while following a healthy diet.
Led by Doreen Conaway.

Saturdays at 7 a.m. at John Rudy County Park

This actiongroup will meet weekly to focus on getting fit with fellow actionchurch friends.
Led by Darin Boling.

Community Outreach
Second Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at actionchurch
An actiongroup that plans and coordinates events to reach out to our community and connect with them.
Led by Shannon Garcia.

Living by the Book
Mondays at 7 p.m. at James’ House
A Bible study about studying the Bible.
Led by James McBride.

Student Ministry
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. at actionchurch
This group is for middle and high school aged students. Come hang out, study the Bible, and play games.
Led by Josiah & Rachel Katz.

Walk & Talk
Wednesdays & Thursdays at 6 p.m. at Nettie’s Home
This actiongroup meets weekly for walking fellowship, ranging between 1-3 miles.
Led by Nettie Bull.

What will actiongroups look like?

  • will facilitate the development of community that is not possible at actionchurch on Sunday mornings.
  • will serve those both inside and outside of actionchurch.
  • will have an open seat and lifespan
  • will birth new groups
  • will facilitate the development of open and honest relationships
  • will be leadership driven (groups are created around a qualified leader)
  • will be “free market” (individuals are free to choose their group, and groups are created for any need in the community, once a qualified leader is identified)
  • will participate in the life of the church