A Job Well Done


“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Steve Jobs

Actioncorps was on the move this past weekend. On a gorgeous autumn Saturday morning with temps hovering in the mid 80’s, nine of us gathered at a little trailer park in Windsor. We went to work helping a very sweet, elderly couple – Bob and Ethel, get ready for winter. We climbed on the roof and climbed ladders. We crawled under the trailer among stuff better left unmentioned. We sanded and painted. Some of us even got to use power tools. And we laughed and talked and had some of the best fellowship that you can imagine.  In short – we did great work because we loved what we were doing.

But, we weren’t working for a paycheck. None of us were working because we HAD to (unless you ask my son Tyler!)  :-)  Hey – I’m joking – he actually CHOSE to work this weekend – under the trailer – with the spiders!! We weren’t even working in expectation of gratitude or thanks…..although Bob and Ethel were VERY appreciative of our help. Our actioncorps team goes to work for a completely different reason.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men……It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24

We love what we do. We love helping others by doing the work

they can’t do themselves. But ask any one of us WHO we are serving and the answer isn’t Bob and Ethel….the answer is Christ.

And here’s the thing – this isn’t just about actioncorps. ANY time we, as a Christ followers, go out into the community there is the opportunity to do great work. Opportunities to show Christ’s love are all around us. No matter what you do for a living, no matter what you do for fun – if you’re a CEO, or a soccer mom – if you’re at the gym or in a factory, I encourage you this week to work at it with all your heart as if you are working for the Lord.

Stick Together in actiongroups

If you missed the message this past Sunday, it was a great one! You can check out the podcast here. In the midst of a storm, Paul said to cut the lifeboats because if the sailors escaped the ship, there wouldn’t be anyone left to direct it to safety. They all stuck together.

“I’m so glad I got through the storm all by myself.”
— Said No One Ever.

Pastor Don talked about how sometimes in the midst of the storm, we can be tempted to detach ourselves from church, actiongroups, or friends. I can certainly relate to that. I don’t know what it is about human nature that makes us think that avoiding people will make our storm any better because it never does. I’ve never heard anyone regret sticking with their community during a crisis. Rather, you usually hear all the good things that came from sticking around: more prayer warriors on your side, a support system to fall back on, and even just simply having someone to call when you need a helping hand.

One of my favorite things about actionchurch is actiongroups! They are small groups of people that gather together outside of Sunday morning to do things like Bible study, work out, fellowship, and serve others. Denise says, “We don’t just meet up during the week, we do life together.” I know I’ve quoted her a thousand times on this blog, but it bears repeating every time.

Storms are inevitable when life happens. Don’t abandon the ship and think that will make it easier. I promise you it won’t. Cut those lifeboats and commit to doing life together! No matter what the storm, let’s stick together.

It’s never too late to plug in to an actiongroup, check out the list of them here. We’ll be launching our next season of actiongroups in June for the Summer. Feel free to contact me to get more information or answer any questions at groups@actionchurch.com

Make Some Friends!

As a (library) scientist, I have found that at least 98% of all friendships made at actionchurch happen in actiongroups. So, quit being lonely, join an actiongroup, and make some friends today!

We have TEN amazing groups to choose from. What’s your flavor?

If you like to be active, stay healthy, and/or workout, you may enjoy:

  • A-Fit – Workout with friends early on Saturday mornings at John Rudy Park with your “coach” Darin Boling!
  • Walk & Talk – Nettie Bull is committed to walking four days a week. Join her for some casual fellowship while you walk a few miles at York Township Park on Tuesdays at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 6:00pm.

If you want to make some friends of the same gender, you may enjoy:

  • Men of Action – For men, by men. Eating breakfast in fellowship at 8:30a.m. on the first Saturdays of the month led by Johnny Shearer.
  • Women’s Group – The ladies are studying Malachi by Lisa Harper at Bonnie McBride’s house every Sunday at 6:00p.m.

If you like to study the Bible (via video or book study), you may enjoy:

  • Starting Point – Join this casual conversation group looking at Andy Stanley’s Starting Point series about where we start as Christians. Great for those who are curious about the Christian faith or just starting out. We’ll be meeting at James McBride’s house on Wednesdays at 7:00p.m.
  • 40 Days – Join Matt & Jennifer Burr as you study the newly revised Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Surrounded by the Lenten season, this group will meet on the fourth Sunday of each month to discuss the readings you can do on your own.
  • Insights – Meeting on Thursdays at 7:00p.m., Bill and Denise host an “insightful” study at their home. Their motto: “We don’t just meet during the week, we do life together!

If you are looking to hang out with someone your age, you may enjoy:

  • Student Ministry – For the middle and high schoolers to meet every Wednesday at 6:30p.m. Fun, games, and a little Bible lesson; you’ll get to hang out with Josiah & Rachel at their place.
  • Young Adults – If you’re 18-29, check out this group that likes to meet up for random fun get-togethers as well as serving opportunities. This group tries to meet monthly, so join their actiongroup today to learn about what new events are happening soon.

Finally, if you’re just looking for an honestly marvelous group that likes to spend some time serving others, you’ll definitely want to check out:

  • actioncorp – Our fearless leader, Kenna Schaller, is organizing meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30p.m. to plan serving opportunities. Focusing on “taking action,” this group will also hear about serving opportunities as they become available throughout the month.

If you are looking for a more informative list of our Spring 2014 actiongroups, check out our actiongroups page!

Excited? Ready to sign-up RIGHT NOW?!? Just e-mail me at groups@actionchurch.com

I’ll make sure to get your sign-up to the right leader or answer any questions you may have. All actiongroups are subject to start in February, so make sure to sign-up soon!

Do Life Together: actiongroups

I love how my friend and mentor (the friendly red-head at the Info Table), Denise Snyder, once described what her actiongroup was all about: “We don’t just meet during the week, we do life together!”

Beyond Sunday morning, small groups of our large actionchurch community meet to fellowship, grow, learn, and even work out together. These actiongroups are just one part of our actionchurch body that allow us to take action in our daily lives within our local community through loving God and loving people…together.

20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20 NIV

It’s time to kick off our 2013-2014 actiongroups year with a wonderful Fall line-up of opportunities for you to gather with fellow believers and do life together. Check out what groups are meeting during the week, weekend, or monthly below. Full descriptions of these actiongroups can be found on our actiongroups webpage!


Financial Peace University – Tuesdays @ 7pm – Jesse & Marian Knopp’s Home
Walk & Talk – Wednesdays @ 6pm – Springettsbury Park & York Township Park
Student Ministry – Wednesdays @ 6:30pm – Josiah & Rachel Katz’ Home
Insights – Thursdays @ 7pm – Bill & Denise Snyder’s Home


A-Fit – Saturdays @ 6:30am – John Rudy County Park
Men of Action – Every Other Saturday @ 8am – Johnny Shearer’s Home
A-Hikers – Scheduled Saturdays @ 9am – Rocky Ridge County Park & Other Local Parks
Women’s Group – Sundays @ 6pm – Rachel Katz’ Home


Cigar Group – Raph Caloia’s Home
Young Adults – Varied Locations

Interested in joining an actiongroup? Have an idea for a new actiongroup? Interested in helping Marian coordinate actiongroups? Just send an e-mail to groups@actionchurch.com

Changing Standards

actiongroups display

Last fall when I joined the action Fitness group (or aFit as we now call it), I had a completely different standard of fitness.  I THOUGHT I was fit.  I’m 44, over the last few years I’ve dropped 30 pounds.  I’ve got a bow flex and I don’t use it as a clothes dryer. I was back in the jeans size I wore in high school.  I have a very physically demanding job.  Within the first HOUR of aFit (which by the way starts at 6:30am on Saturdays) I completely changed my opinion about my personal fitness.  Somewhere between the pull-ups, burpee push-ups, (look em up) and the short run that almost brought the previous nights dinner back up…I decided that my standard of personal fitness was definitely incorrect.  Thinking I was fit did not make me ACTUALLY fit.

As followers of Jesus we have ONE standard: The Bible.  God’s written word, and the stories of how he has interacted with his followers and opponents over the last 4000+ years, give us a pretty clear picture of what God’s standards for living entail. God’s standard is humbling and instructive.  It opens our eyes to just how far we fall below his standard.  Our human reaction is to want to lower the bar, change the standards.   But, just because we don’t often live up to those standards, doesn’t change them one bit.

Human standards, on the other hand, change.  In 1998, the BMI charts were changed.  Overnight, millions of Americans went from “normal weight” to “obese”.   In 2003, the blood pressure standards were changed.  Overnight, millions of Americans went from having “normal blood pressure” to having “high blood pressure” according to the standards.   Or did they?

The truth is, real standards don’t actually change with culture or time.  God created a range of healthy weights and heights no matter what the current BMI chart may say.  God created a healthy range of blood pressures for your vascular system, regardless of whether that number is raised or lowered on the current blood pressure chart.  As humans we simply can’t change it.

I am thankful for the Bible…even though it’s standards make me understand just how sinful and “unfit” spiritually I am.  I am SO MUCH MORE thankful for Jesus, who offers me grace, mercy, and hope in spite of my inability to meet his standards;  just as I am thankful for my brothers in aFit who run alongside me each week as we encourage each other to work hard to reach a higher standard of fitness.  Come to think about it, I think thats a pretty good picture of what CHURCH is all about…

24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.  Hebrews 10:24-25