BOH Graduation Banquet- 10/2/16

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Last Sunday, we announced our next opportunity to serve neighbors in our community. If you haven’t yet heard, actionchurch will have the privilege to host the fall meeting for nearly 100 people from Bridge of Hope­York County. Bridge of Hope (BOH) is a local non­profit offering a church ­based approach to end homelessness. Volunteers from several area churches­­ including actionchurch­­ provide support for moms and their children as they transition from homelessness and build new lives.  Plus, this meeting is extra­special because there’s a mom graduating from the program!

As always, we need YOUR help! Please plan to stay after church on S unday, October 2nd to help us move chairs, set up tables, and sweep donut crumbs so that everything is in place for the event. Come at 3pm to help welcome guests, pour drinks, serve dinner and dessert. And, if you have your clearances, come help give our “under­ 12” guests an unforgettable time in actionkids during the event.

If you’re new to actionchurch, I hope that you will volunteer. Come meet and hang out with fellow actionchurchers as we welcome strangers, serve a catered meal, entertain restless children, and live out how we Love God, Love People, Take Action. And if you’ve volunteered before (and survived muddy Relays, stubborn bounce houses, or even creepy Easter Bunnies at the park) we’re counting on you to show up and help make this event special for BOH!

Have questions? See Jennifer at the sign­up table at church Sunday or email

National Night out-August 2nd


But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Luke 10:29
My high school was a huge, open-space sprawling complex that warehoused over 1500 teenagers. The lockers really were big enough to stuff a kid into, the football stadium was named in honor of our janitor, and no one smoked in the bathrooms because we had an actual, school-sanctioned smoking area (the eighties were strange). There were lots of groups in my high school- jocks, geeks, theater kids, punks, metal heads, skaters, cheerleaders– and somehow I was friends with all of them.

I didn’t fit in, so to survive high school I adapted– I fit in EVERYWHERE. It wasn’t because I was cool, coordinated, funny or artsy (trust me, I wasn’t). It had nothing to do with the clothes I wore, the bands I liked, or the fact that I attended summer school to TRY to pass algebra for the third time.
Nope, I got to know people who didn’t look or think or act like me because I was simply willing to meet them. Talk with them. Listen. Look for things we had in common. Not feel threatened by our differences.

Being willing to meet people who didn’t look or think or act like me got me through high school. And college. Living in a foreign country. Working in a factory. Teaching middle school. Moving to a new state. Carpooling teenagers. Being part of a church.

And it’s what is getting me through this “BREAKING NEWS” summer of terror and fear and hate and anger.

“Who is my neighbor?” Like the expert questioning Jesus, we are still trying to come to terms with what Jesus means when he commands us to love our neighbor, with exactly WHO he means for us to love. Because let’s be honest, it’s easy to love people who like what you like, do what you do, live where you live. But what if EVERYONE is our neighbor? Not just the people who are like us, who agree with us, who believe what we believe? Because according to Jesus, everyone is our neighbor. There are no outsiders or insiders, no us or them, no black or white, no red or blue. We are sent to “love people”, not “love just some people”.

If you missed the announcement Sunday, actionchurch has been give the opportunity to participate in North York Borough’s “National Night Out” event. This night is a long running event designed with a mission: to “connect police officers and community members by going outside as a way to improve relations”.

I invite you to join actionchurch from 6pm- 8pm on August 2nd at the North York Park (305 east 5th Avenue). Come a little early to help set-up. Hang out at the bounce houses. Serve some shaved ice. Temporarily tattoo some kids. Meet the hundreds of people who live within walking distance of actionchurch, the firefighters and police officers who serve and protect. In the middle of this long, hot, “BREAKING NEWS” summer, come out and love our neighbors.

-Jennifer Burr