“In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.” Bertrand Russell

Usually I just shake my head at Josiah’s sarcastic remarks about church signs or “Christian” bumper stickers/t-shirts. But I saw a church billboard recently that just made me want to gag (and agree with Josiah…..in that order) The sign said:

“Don’t wrestle with God. Just nestle.” [insert collective groan]

Disclaimer: A) Sorry if it was your church sign. B) I really love wrestling C) Potential for overuse of air quotes

Later that week a bunch of gals from church showed up at my house for a crazy evening of camaraderie. (Remember girls – whatever happens on the hill….stays on the hill :-) ) One of the “church ladies” noted on social media that it was “not your stereotypical church function….in the best way.” That cracked me up!

You see – we have these preconceived notions of what a church (or a church “event”) should look like and what a Christian should act like. People tend to have ideas about how to read the bible, how to interpret the bible, how to use the bible. Sometimes it seems like there are more stereotypes about Christians than there are actual Christians.

Here’s my opinion (for what it’s worth) – I think God INTENDED for us to wrestle with all of it. True relationships include disagreements and doubts, misunderstandings and forgiveness. God wants to have a true and intimate relationship with each of us. Listen – if God didn’t want me to ask questions or wrestle with the answers in order to overcome my doubts, the bible would have been written more like an actual instruction manual…..Step 1, Step 2 – Diagram A – Attachment B, etc.

Following Christ is not going to be comfortable. Reading (and understanding) the bible is never going to be easy. But, I encourage you to challenge your preconceived notions. We should ask those difficult questions. Take the blinders off – put the boxing gloves on. Don’t follow the herd and take the Word lying down….OK – THAT was just bad….but you get the point.

Over the years at actionchurch, I have often heard Don say – “Don’t take my word for it, read it for yourself.” He isn’t just being humble. He is challenging you to think about everything you ever believed in a different way. I love the fact that we don’t have a stereotypical preacher and I’m going to do my part to make sure we never become a stereotypical church.

“By doubting we are led to question, by questioning we arrive at the truth.”

Peter Abelard

Help make this Mothers Day Happier…

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This Mother’s Day, some moms will spend the day being treated to extra-special things– brunch, macaroni necklaces, a NASCAR-free afternoon. But, some moms will spend their Mother’s Day at Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital, supporting and caring for their child who is undergoing cancer treatment.

We are collecting small items that will help these moms feel a little pampered while they are staying with their child in the hospital, such as the following:
scented lotions
body wash
Inspirational/poetry cards (like on bookmarks,plastic mugs)
small adult activity books
soft, fuzzy socks
$5 Starbucks gift cards (extremely desirable)

This is a BIG need to fill on a very SHORT notice! The donations will be collected at church on Mother’s Day, May 8th, and delivered with love to the moms that SAME DAY!

Murder One Finale this Sunday.


Don’t miss the finale of the MURDER ONE series as we wrap up the worlds first murder case-the story of Cain and Abel.   This week we’ll find out what happened to Cain after his banishment, and in the process, learn some surprising things about God’s grace for the Guilty, and provision for his faithful.   If you’ve ever doubted that God has a plan for EVERY eventuality, you’ll want to explore the ending of the MURDER ONE saga with us.

This week we’ll also celebrate communion, and hear new music from Mycenea Worley, along with all the “normal” food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We’ve even freed up more parking…so go ahead and invite ALL your friends and family that have been curious about actionchurch. We look forward to seeing you at– 10:30 am, 36 W 11th Avenue. (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.

The investigation Continues…

For two weeks now, we’ve been spending Sunday mornings at actionchurch investigating the very first murder.   So far we’ve learned that unlike many of us might think, Cain was neither “born to kill” his brother Abel, OR “driven to kill” him because of his circumstances.  Instead, Genesis 4 gives us all the clues necessary to believe that the first murder happened because Cain fell prey to something that still attacks all of us today-SIN.  This week we are going to turn up the magnification…go full CSI… as we dig deeper into the story of how someone could become angry enough…hate-filled enough…enraged and violent enough to brutally murder his only brother.  The answers we find just may surprise you, and will DEFINITELY give us all practical tools for dealing with anger, jealousy, and conflicts in our relationships.   Don’t miss it!

This week will feature music from hometown talent ADO, along with all the “normal” food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We’ve even freed up more parking…so go ahead and invite ALL your friends and family that have been curious about actionchurch. We look forward to seeing you at– 10:30 am, 36 W 11th Avenue. (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.

What makes a murderer?


One of the primary themes of any crime drama, from the oldest Law and Order re-run to the recent Netflix phenomena “Making a Murderer”, is to attempt to explain what actually “caused” the Murder.  Even during the forensic era of television, when every other show was a CSI, MOTIVE was still an important element of every episode.  This week in the MURDER ONE series, as we investigate the oldest murder in history, we’re going to dive into the “How could this have happened?” aspect of the story of Cain and Abel.  Along the way, we’re going to deal with the very difficult questions of the case such as:  Why didn’t God stop the first Murder? He was there. He witnessed it. Why would an all-powerful, loving God allow the first-born son of Adam and Eve to murder his brother?  Why Do bad things happen to good people anyway???   (Abel was by all accounts a great son and a righteous man)  Why do some bad people “get away with murder”?   (Cain went on to marry, have children, and found a city).   The story of Cain and Abel gives us some interesting (and sometimes surprising) answers to all of this questions and more…

This week will feature music from our friends in The GoAround, along with all the “normal” food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We’ve even freed up more parking…so go ahead and invite ALL your friends and family that have been curious about actionchurch. We look forward to seeing you at– 10:30 am, 36 W 11th Avenue. (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.