How NOT to share your faith…


So we talked a little Sunday about living out Jesus’ kingdom plan for earth.  We talked about how if we actually lived like Jesus taught it would be “Good News for ALL people”.

Here’s a couple of examples of what NOT to do.  (above)  Making a sign pointing out ONE sinful lifestyle…no more helpful than pointing out that Jesus does indeed despise corduroy.  Amen Brother.

Drinking, evangelism precede Skamokawa shooting

(click headline to read full story.  This might be my favorite headline of all time )

So…where to begin…getting liquored up at the local tavern, and then deciding to “share the plan of salvation” by passing out tracts to fellow patrons probably not a great idea.   Getting angry and SHOOTING someone who argues with you probably a really TERRIBLE idea.  Just sayin’.

  When I read that the guy was found “sitting in his volkswagen van” after the incident I was worried people might think it was me.  Then I realized that although I do love guns and volkswagen vans no one would ever believe I had been passing out tracts :-)  

Just a couple of helpful tips on how NOT to share your faith.  Anyone got any others?

2 thoughts on “How NOT to share your faith…

  1. That might be your favorite headline of all time. Mine is “Tacky Christmas Crap for Jesus.”

  2. I agree I think the title and that picture speak a thousand words. Who are we to b the judge of what others do. Are relationship with god is personal. And he wants us to spread love not convict those who r sinning