This Sunday @ actionchurch


This Sunday is the final week of the “SPORTS games” sermon series, and possibly the last time you will hear a correctly constructed sports analogy at actionchurch!  In week one we learned about putting on God’s armor like football players put on their pads and helmets.  Last week we learned about how to deal with victory (and defeat) in life from the sport of wrestling and the life of Jacob.  This week Rich Haas will teach an important lesson about life that can only be learned from scripture…and “America’s past-time”, Baseball.   (But, unlike baseball, we’ll wrap the whole service up in just about an hour, and you won’t have to watch the preacher practice his sermon for twenty minutes before actually stepping up to the mic and speaking!) :-)

This is the final service at Frank Theaters this month, as June 27th is our annual Baptism and BBQ at John Rudy park.  You won’t want to miss this!   We’ve also got new music from Joy Ike, and actionkidz has a great hour of fun and learning planned for your kids (ages infant to 6th grade).  Make sure to get yourself, (and a FRAMILY member or three) ***HERE*** to Frank Theaters Queensgate. It all starts at 10:30, but you could get there earlier to enjoy some Maple Donuts and coffee with your fellow sports contest fans at actionchurch.

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