Baptism FAQ

picnic-lgOn Sunday 7/27 actionchurch will not be meeting at Frank Theaters. Instead, we’ll be meeting at John Rudy park (11am-Bluebird pavillion) for a time of fun, food, and a short baptism service where we celebrate all those who are choosing to go public with their faith in Jesus.  Below are the answers to questions that people frequently ask about baptism.

Q. Why would a church that doesn’t seem to care a lot about traditions do some thing like have a baptismal service?

A. Because Baptism is not a tradition…it’s part of being an obedient follower of Jesus. The bible says repent (turn from your old way of living..and join Jesus kingdom plan for life) and be baptized. (Go public with your decision to “choose sides”). (Acts 2:38-39)

Q. Will Baptism make me a member of actionchurch?

A. No. Baptism is entirely about going public with your decision to become a follower of Jesus. Instead of having members, actionchurch is gathering participants…people who will Join us as we Love God, Love People, and Take action in York County. Members have “rights”…participants have responsibilities and opportunities! ANYONE can belong at actionchurch…but our goal is that EVERYONE would one day chose to follow Jesus and express it through public baptism!

Q. Will Baptism “guarantee me a spot in Heaven”?

A. Sorry, no. Baptism won’t “guarantee” you a spot in heaven any more than a wedding “guarantees” a lifetime of wedded bliss. Only your relationship (that you are celebrating in baptism) makes you part of eternity with Jesus…the good news is he promises to never “fail or abandon us” like people sometimes will. He is also legendary for his forgiveness of those of us who fail him.

Q. I was baptized as a baby. Do I need to be baptized again as an adult?

A. If you’ve chosen to be a committed follower of Jesus, the next step is to go public with your decision by being baptized. Even though infant baptism is a tradition of many churches…if you can’t remember choosing to be baptized…now is the time. (And PLEASE be grateful and respectful to your parents for their attempt to raise you as a Christian…that baptism was about them attempting to do something noble…but impossible. No one can choose to follow Christ for ANYONE else.)

Q. Do you baptize children at actionchurch?

A. Yes, children that understand and can articulate that they have turned from their sin and have made Jesus their Lord and Savior. Luke 18:16-17 No, we do not baptize children at the request of parents. (see above) At times we will ask a very young child to wait to be baptized if there is any concern that they do not understand what following Christ through baptism means.

Q. How do you know that everyone who gets baptized is “serious” about following Jesus?

A. We don’t…In fact Jesus said here (Matthew 13:18-23) that some who initially get very excited about the good news of Jesus will not “finish”. He also said here (Matthew 13:24-40) that it is not our job to try to figure out who is “in or out” of the kingdom…

Q. Why do you fully immerse (Dunk) people when you baptize them?

A. Because that’s the way they did it in Jesus time…There is a lot of symbolism in being taken under the water (buried) and brought out of water (raised to new life)…but our main reason for being “old school” about baptism is because that was the way it was done then.

Q. Shouldn’t you be in a “church” to be baptized?

A. It was many hundreds of years after the time of Jesus before the first “Church” buildings appeared…so being baptized in church is a relatively new development. Over the last two thousand years, untold thousands of Jesus-followers have been baptized outdoors in the presence of their friends and family, we’re blessed to be part of that long and meaningful heritage.

If you have any questions about Baptism, the upcoming baptism & BBQ service, or would like to go public about your faith through water baptism:  contact us at

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