Sunday @ actionchurch


What’s the most revolutionary, life-changing thing you’ve experienced in your lifetime? The “world wide web”? Smart Phones?  Nuttella on Teddy Grams? (Take my word for it on the last one…life changing!)  This week in the “AFTER WORDS” series, we’ll look at something Jesus said in the brief time after his resurrection that not only revolutionized the lives of his disciples, but is STILL shaping our lives today!  We’ll also learn how understanding Jesus’ simple concept can make the difference between successfully living out a life of following Jesus and serving others, or burning out and falling away.

This week will also feature some great new music from Katy Glorioso,  and actionkidz will be starting a brand new episode of the “What’s in the Bible” Series.  As always there will also be loads of yummy Maple Donuts, Muffins, Bagels, Hot Coffee, water, and great actionchurch people to hang with.   It all starts at 10:30 am  at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions).

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