Note to actionchurch volunteers

Here’s a note from Kenna, our fabulous actionchurch Events Director, to everyone who made Sundays Baptism and BBQ such a great Success!  (Below is a picture of Kenna in action-pink shirt)

For some time I’ve had the privilege of being the person that organizes the events for actionchurch.  They seem to get easier the more I do them.  I try to learn from my mistakes and build on what was successful.  Events come in all shapes and sizes at actionchurch – from serving coffee at York Vo-Tech’s open house to serving breakfast to 500 at Relay for Life.
But one thing never seems to change.  The volunteers.  I can’t say enough about you “not normal” people.  There is no way to thank you enough for making the Baptism & BBQ a HUGE success.  Sunday was a busy day for actionchurch and personally for our family.  But a scheduling conflict gave me the opportunity to be a bystander at an event and to take a back seat to everything that was happening around me.  It was an amaing experience!
Everywhere I turned volunteers were picking up the pieces that are necessary to make an event a memorable experience.  Friends were jumping in everywhere to make sure that everyone had a good time.  Kids activites were in full bloom, the shaved ice stand was jumpin’, the chicken arrived hot and ready to go.
But just as important there were those little things going on in the background that maybe didn’t even get noticed….music playing in the background, drinks being iced and served, forks and napkins replenished, thank you cards circulating – all the little things that make a big event SHINE were happening seamlessly thanks to people just like you who step up to the plate at actionchurch!
Each week, Don or Josiah or I stand up at the end of service and we encourage everyone to “Invite – Invest – and get Involved”.    It’s a catchy slogan.  Josiah is a wiz at this marketing stuff.  But what I observed Sunday is that it really rings true at events.  You invited your friends and famly – we had a HUGE turnout.   You invested your time, money and efforts – the chicken was paid for – sides and desserts and drinks abounded,  AND most importantly you chose to get INVOLVED.
Sunday’s Baptism & BBQ was a great opportunity to hang with some amazing people.  It was the largest small group on record at actionchurch.  If you missed it – I hope you mark your calendar for next year.  If you were there – you know what I’m sayin’.
Thanks again to all of you who were there to back me up! You know who you are and I feel so very blessed to call you friends.  Congratulations to all who chose to get involved in a big way and take the HUGE step of being baptized in Christ.  I am sure it was a Bar-b-que you will never forget.
p.s.  More amazing events coming this fall……stay tuned!

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