This Sunday @ actionchurch

This week we’ll be talking about yet another fictional story from the Bible.  Jesus never spoke to the crowds that gathered to hear him, without telling a story.

Simple stories.


Stories everyone there could agree rang “true”…even though they were completely made up by Jesus.

Perhaps the MOST remarkable thing about the  parables of Jesus, is that they are still offer relevant, useful, and extremely powerful lessons that can change the way we live for the better thousands of years later!  Don’t believe me?   You’ll just have come Sunday and hear Jesus’ simple parable about workers at a vineyard.  Come, listen, and decide if it doesn’t still ring completely true even in todays employment environment.  Come, listen, and decide if the simple words of Jesus couldn’t still make your life (and work) more fulfilling and profitable even in 2012.

You’ll also not want to miss the return of Singer/Songwriter Ben Rothermel who will be our musical guest this week.  Our great actionkidz crew have an exciting hour planned for your kids from birth to age 11, and we’ll be continuing our Action Bible Giveaway for in the (ages 6-11) class.  Kenna will also be updating us on all the details of the upcoming actionchurch BBQ and Baptism at the Park (8/29 @11am), so you won’t want to miss a minute of the action Sunday.

It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions).   Come earlier to enjoy  Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with the friendly folks of actionchurch.

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