…and we’re back.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas Holiday. We’ll be kicking off the New Year actionchurch-style at our usual time 10:30am at Frank Theaters on Sunday morning.
Are you wondering if the world could end in 2012? Wondering why you can’t get the Mayan Calender as an iPhone ap? Wondering why John Cusack hasn’t made a good movie in years? On Sunday we’ll be talking about a strategy that scripture gives for living in uncertain times…no matter what may come in 2012…or 2112.
Jerry and the Deacons will be our first Musical guest of the year, and your kids will be enjoying an all new actionkidz area as we begin the year with an additional theater for 3,4, and 5 year olds.
It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions). Come early -or just stay out :-) to enjoy a Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with your actionchurch friends.