- Short crew. Got smurfed out of the theater early by a movie. Network got hacked. Didn't matter.
The a/c crew made it happen! #
- Here's a little message I wrote to the person who hacked our wifi network during the service Sunday. :-)
- Power is out. Whole family is gathered around the laptop watching Hulu like the pioneers did before electricity. :-) #
- I love how these simple words from 1 John 4 remind us how to live a life of love-not fear.
- God is more concerned about preserving His purposes than preventing our pain.
-Stephen Furtick.
//painfully true. #
- If eating left-over barbecued pork and drinking Diet Mountain Dew for breakfast is wrong- I don't want to be right. #breakfastofchampions #
- Here's why I think you should watch Disney's "Tangled" before Sunday. (yeah, men also!)
- It's been a ridiculous week trying to cram 5 days of work into 3…but I'm looking forward to being off while my parents visit from MO. #
- Civilization isn't possible without civility. #
- Talking Sunday about about escaping when you are held prisoner by fear-via the Book of John and Disney's "Tangled":
- Haven't painted anything in 24 hours. I realize when I take time off that I don't "relax" very well… #
- But you, O Lord,are a God of compassion and mercy,slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.