The "God who goes before"…

I can still remember the day I snapped this picture.  I had just signed an agreement to rent this barroom with way too many speakers, way too few chairs,  a beer pong table and a giant buddha statue for way more money than we had.  I remember being really excited.   And nauseous.  And scared.  My hands were shaking as I clicked the shutter.

Looking back, I can now see how God “went before us” every step of the way.  I can see how even though we felt we were “behind schedule” and “under resourced” in every way, we were exactly in God’s plan and timeline.  As I look back over the past 2 1/2 years of actionchurch I can see again and again how God prepared solutions for problems before we even encountered them.  I have learned to trust the God who “Goes before”.

If you can’t tell, I’m feeling a little nostalgic this morning.  I’m looking back…because as I look forward I see some amazing obstacles ahead…along with some amazing opportunities for God to show his power and favor.  I can tell you that over the next few days and weeks we will be getting some answers for the big questions about where God is leading us as a church.   I can honestly say that I’m not exactly sure how this is going to turn out.  I wasn’t “sure” when I snapped the picture above before launching actionchurch…and I’m not “sure”  today.

What I’m counting on is that God has already “gone before” us…that he already has a plan in place that we never could have done on our own.  I’m more worried about missing God’s direction than I am about looking foolish or “being wrong”.   I do NOT want to make the mistake that the people of Israel did in doubting that God would lead them.  They doubted EVEN AFTER seeing God perform amazing miracles while  leading them with a  pillar of cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire at night! 

32 In spite of this, you did not trust in the LORD your God, 33 who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp  and to show you the way you should go.   Deuteronomy 1:32,33

It’s an easy thing  to do.   It’s easy to forget how God has “gone before” in the past when you look into an uncertain future.

Please pray for wisdom and favor for actionchurch.

Please pray that “the God who goes before” would guide us.

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