The "Big Stuff"…

Have you ever heard someone say “Don’t sweat the small stuff”?  It sounds like good advice.  Don’t get upset over the “little” annoyances and troubles of life.  Don’t “major on the minors”. Concentrate on the “big” things.

Here’s the problem; It’s easy to be confused about what the “big stuff” is, and what the “small stuff” isn’t.   It’s easy to become religious and think that the “big stuff” of Christianity is church attendance, Bible study, personal growth, etc. and think that not loving your neighbor as yourself is a relatively unimportant oversight.  In fact, sometimes the “busier” we become being “Christians”, the easier it is to ignore and neglect others…

Loving God and Loving people is the “Big stuff”.  In fact, Jesus said it’s the BIGGEST stuff…the single most important thing that you can do in life.  EVERYTHING ELSE is the “small stuff”.  …not sure why that is so hard for us (me especially) to remember.

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