What on earth are you doing?

Sometimes I feel like I need a pre-recorded message to play over, and over and over at my house.  If you have kids….well – you know.  Boy moms, take heart; it does get a little better.  A little.
But, seriously – what are you doing?  You.  Yes – you.
Actionchurch has a problem – just like at my house, but for polar opposite reasons.  When I ask my kids – “What are you doing? – it’s always because they are doing something they aren’t supposed to be doing.  When I ask the same question at actionchurch – “what are you doing?” it’s because we aren’t doing something we are supposed to be doing.
Go ahead.  Read it again.  I know it’s hard to follow.  But – I’m just pointing out a fact.  We aren’t the church we used to be.  And I don’t think we’re doing what we are supposed to be doing.
We’ve grown.
We’ve moved.
We fellowship.  We worship. We learn……all good things.
But, something just isn’t on-brand.  If you’ve been with us for a while….”You see it, right?”  Strictly IMO – what is missing is our enthusiasm for serving.  Where did the church go that could pack a movie theater with donations for a missionary?  Where are the people that took up an entire football field at Relay for Life?  What are  we doing?
Have we become complacent?
Have we made it too easy?
Are we resting on our laurels and enjoying the benefits?
Folks – the needs have not changed.  We have.  The opportunities to serve have not gone away.  We have.  This is a wake-up call – myself included.  We used to be the “little church that could” as we gave back to our community in big, big ways.  I don’t want to be the little church that faded away.
We have the perfect opportunity to get our groove back on as we move into our WEEK OF ACTION.  I know we still have it in us.  I know we can make our logo proud.  If even one cog in the machine stops moving the whole assembly line suffers.  Get your cog in gear (see what I did there 😀 ) and figure out how you fit into our brand.
I AM ACTIONCHURCH isn’t just a nifty knock off of Ironman…..it is who we are.  Own it.
Love God.  Love people.  Take action – isn’t just a slogan – It’s Jesus’ instructions to his disciples.  Let’s not just say it.  Let’s live it

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