On moving mountains…


For weeks now we have been encouraging you to be a part of Relay for Life 2015. Other than the miracle of the recent renovation of our new church home – Relay – is by far the biggest, most all-consuming event we undertake as a church. It is a massive organizational feat that requires us to leverage everything that we have and everything that we are as a church. RFL is about you, and God….and a whole lot of sweat.

It takes many thousands of dollars to feed over 900 people. It takes hundreds of volunteers to staff the kids area, the shave ice stand, the coffee bar…..and to walk around in circles (sometimes even on the track) for 24 hours. We have to move mountains of donations and truck loads of equipment. And we do it year in and year out because we want to show our love to the people in our community who are dealing with the horrible disease known as cancer.

But – what I’ve learned over my time at Relay is that it isn’t necessarily about the big successes – like peering under the tent to witness 500 people seated comfortably in a lavish setting being served a scrumptious full course meal….it’s about the hugs that you get from the people in the purple shirts as they wait in line to be seated.

And even though most of us work harder at Relay than we do at our regular jobs – it isn’t even really about the sweat and the toil as we move mini icebergs across the length of a football field – continuously for 24 hours – to make wet, sticky messes….it’s about the smile that you get from the little boy who just found out his mom has cancer when you hand him a free sno-cone.

And Relay – in the end – isn’t even about walking for 24 hours in the blazing heat (or pouring rain). It isn’t about your blisters or your sunburn….or your heat exhaustion – it’s about looking into someone’s eyes – it’s about a gentle touch on the shoulder – it’s about hearing someone’s story, feeling their pain, sharing their grief.

THAT’S the Relay for Life we want you to be a part of this year. THAT’S the Relay miracle – the God moment – that will change your life.

Love God. Love people. Take action.


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