Sunday @ actionchurch


This Sunday is the final week of the “How to build an IDOL” sermon series, and yes, we are finally going to explain how to actually “build” an idol.   Beyond that, though; this is the week where we will answer the big question “What’s the point?” when it comes to the story of Israel worshipping golden calves. (Or any other ancient Bible story for that matter.)  In this final week we’ll learn from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, that the story of the VERY BAD people of Israel is actually VERY GOOD NEWS for all of us!  We’ll also celebrate communion together, get an update on the progress that’s happened so far at our new North York location, and actually get a glimpse of what the new facility will look like ON THE INSIDE in the future!

Sunday will feature Matt Wheeler and Vintage Heart as our musical guests and all the normal food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We look forward to seeing you at Frank Theaters Queensgate- 10:30 am (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.

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