Bring Gift Cards Sunday


Every Christmas at actionchurch you can count on 3 things:

1.  We love Christmas decorations…and lights…and especially inflatables (the tackier the better) :-)

2.  We’ll talk about the Birth of Jesus.  We talk about Jesus EVERY WEEK at actionchurch, but we especially love to remember and celebrate the events that lead up to “God with us-Immanuel” joining humanity here on earth.

3.  We see the Christmas season as an opportunity for Giving: A chance to thank all the wonderful volunteers who make actionchurch possible.  A time to thank and honor ALL of the employees of Frank Theaters who provide a great venue for us all year long.  And, a time to bless others who are less fortunate in our community.

This week you can join us in giving to others  by bringing gift cards in $10 increments from retailers and restaurants such as:








Let’s make it a Very Merry Christmas by blessing OTHERS this Christmas season!


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