“Food-nado” food drive.



Thank you actionchurch!  So far you have donated 1735 POUNDS of food in the first four weeks of the food drive.  (552 pounds this week alone!)  There’s just ONE more week of this “foodnado season” in September.  In true actionchurch fashion, let’s donate MORE THAN ONE TON of food to Harvest of Hope Food pantry!!!

Last week, Matt and Jennifer (who recently began attending actionchurch after witnessing you all “in action” at Relay for Life) shared a situation they were facing at Harvest of Hope food pantry where they volunteer with their two daughters on the weekends.

Jennifer wrote:

“At Harvest of Hope, clients come to the pantry once a month, by appointment, to get a month’s worth of food and toiletries.  We serve the local York-area community, and many of our clients are families with children.  During 2012, we provided226,882 pounds of food for 3282 children and 4623 adults (including 811 senior citizens).    Donated food is distributed to 200+ “clients” (most are
families with children) by scheduled appointments each month, as well as through special distributions at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter.
So, here is my “BIG ask”.  Hunger is a year-round problem, but August – October are very lean donation months.  People are focused on summer, football, back-to-school, Usually we see increased donations from Thanksgiving-Christmas, and then another  jump in the spring (around Easter).   By the end of summer, donations slow down and yet the need continues.  Matt and I would like to host a food drive over a few Sundays to collect items for Harvest of Hope.  We can provide a list of items most urgently needed, and I would be happy to answer any additonal questions you might have.”


Food Pantry

So actionchurch,  what are we going to do about those empty shelves?  (actual photo above)   I love what Matt and Jennifer have done.  The didn’t keep quiet…and they didn’t expect others to do the work.  They just asked if we all could pitch in and help.   I believe we can unleash a “Food-nado” (trademark pending :-) )  on those served by Harvest of Hope each week.  I believe we can re-stock their empty s

helves and MORE! Here are the items most needed…but ALL nonperishable food is welcome.  Matt and Jennifer will be staffing a collection point starting this Sunday.  Stop by.  Say Hello.  And, please drop off LOADS of the following.  It’s time to Love God, Love people, and take action in a very delicious (and nutritious) way!

The 10 “Most Needed”:
  • ramen noodles
  • elbow macaroni (boxes)
  • macaroni and cheese
  • hamburger helper
  • canned soup
  • boxed cereal (especially ones for kids)
  • canned fruit
  • rice
  • Instant mashed potatoes
  • pasta or egg noodles
Other items that are great to donate include:  
Granola bars, pop-tarts, canned vegetables (especially green beans and corn), boxed cake or muffin mix, tubs of icing, condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo), syrup, pancake mix, popcorn, coffee, tea, sugar, flour, packaged rice/pasta/noodle mixes, and 100%fruit juice.


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