Sunday @ actionchurch


Have you ever been in a situation that triggered your “Fight or Flight” response?   Have you ever heard a loud noise in the middle of the night? Recovered from a skid after your vehicle hit an invisible patch of ice?  Narrowly miss being hit by a Garbage truck because you had your new Christmas-gift headphones cranked so loud you could hear it?  Remember how your heart thumped in your chest?  Remember how your muscles were tense, and your adrenaline glands flooded your system? Remember how you felt ready to run away at top speed…or turn and take on a samurai-sword wielding attacker?

God designed our bodies with an amazing danger-response system.  Unfortunately, many dangers in life-2013 aren’t as clear cut as a slow-moving garbage truck or a samurai- sword wielding attacker.  It’s difficult to know what is REALLY a danger.  It’s difficult many other times to know if we should run away from a situation…or stay and fight on.  Fortunately, scripture has some brilliant insight on things we should run from…and things we should fight.   We’ll be exploring some of them that I think will be truly helpful to all of us as we start a new year during the month of January.   We’ll get started Sunday…Bring a someone new to be part of this brand new sermon Series.

This week will feature music from Jake Lewis, and actionkidz has another great week planned in their “What’s in the Bible” teaching series.  As always there will also be loads of yummy Maple Donuts, Muffins, Bagels, Hot Coffee, water, and great actionchurch people to hang with.   It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions).

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