Crew Appreciation


Another thing I LOVE about the Christmas season at actionchurch is honoring our great Sunday morning Crew.

Every week, crew members arrive hours before everyone else, and leave long after everyone else has already moved on to chipotle or the pizza buffet.  Every week, crew members actually miss attending the church service to welcome our guests or teach our children in actionkidz.   Every week, crew members move thousands of pounds of equipment off the truck, unpack it, carry it up steep theater steps, lug it across enormous lobbies and endless hallways, pack it back up, roll it back out, and load it on a truck again.   Every week crew members assemble, maintain, and sometimes repair a huge assortment of equipment from ancient electronics to the newest and best that apple has to offer.   (Almost) Every week a crew member needs a bandaid…or an emergency gaffer tape pants repair.   Every week, crew members plan sermons, edit presentations, post podcasts, and produce amazing art that brings the scriptures to life on the big screen. Every week, crew members greet our guests and regulars, and welcome them to the environment that would NOT exist without their hard work.  EVERY week, rain or shine, in sickness and health, crew members produce and present actionchurch to our community.

I’m looking forward to honoring all of these amazing people this Sunday at our annual crew appreciation party.  If you are part of the actionchurch crew, thank you…you are amazing…I hope to see you there.  If you also appreciate what crew members do each week, I hope you’ll stop someone with a black tag and thank them!

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