He is constantly on the go setting things up behind-the-scenes of actionchurch. He’s a hardcore gamer who loves getting involved. Meet the spirited young man named William Freed!
What do you do here at actionchurch?
- Primarily, I unload the truck, set-up, and have recently helped out with the new feather flags.
How did you first get involved?
- I was looking for work last year and saw the actionchurch canopy and checked it out. I’ve been coming ever since.
What is your favorite thing about actionchurch?
- Being able to help out and get involved with a lot of stuff in the community.
What do you do outside of actionchurch?
- I am a seasonal laborer and work at the York Fair and Strathmeyer Christmas Trees.
What are your hobbies?
- I’m a hardcore gamer that likes Magic the Gathering and video games. I also like going for walks outside and exercising.
What has been the neatest design you’ve seen of an actionchurch series?
- You Reap What You Sow. It was cool to see Rachel’s needlepoint turn into a pretty good design.
What is the most memorable moment you have of Pastor Don?
- The day when the trailer for The Secret World of Arrietty came on and he just watched the screen until everything was fixed.
How has actionchurch changed you?
- Before actionchurch, I wasn’t going to church on a regular basis because I just moved, then I found this and now I come here regularly.
Do you have a favorite scripture or some words of wisdom that you would like to share with the people of actionchurch?
- “3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NIV)
If you have any interview question suggestions for future actionchurch crew member interviews, comment below, on Facebook, or tweet @actionchurch!