Over the past four years we’ve done countless sermon series with simple, one-word titles. This is a first. Sunday marks the beginning of our brand new series named with a single syllable…not even a complete word…just a suffix. [-ish] Yep. That’s it. Just [-ish]. What can one simple suffix change in your life? You’ll just have to bring someone Sunday and find out for yourself. It’s going to be amazing…ish. :-)
We’ve also got Jesse Baker appearing with some great music for you, and actionkidz has an amazing morning planned for your kids. (not amazing-ish…actually amazing).
It all starts at 10:30 am (NOT 10:30-ish) at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions). So come earlier to enjoy Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with the friendly folks of actionchurch.