Sunday @ actionchurch

This Sunday in the “But God” series we’ll be using an epic moment in Star Wars to lead into an epic “But God moment” in scripture, to answer an epic question many of us have about God and Life: “Can God really use the bad things that I’ve done (and others have done to me) for Good?”   I won’t say it’s going to be epic (because that would totally  be an embarrassing over-use of the word epic), but it should be an extremely useful and interesting week for anyone who hasn’t lived a perfect life with zero trouble…and zero mistakes.

This week we are looking forward to having Sister Brother on stage for the very first time at actionchurch.  The newly expanded actionkidz has an equally epic week planned for your kids…they’ll probably hate you if they miss it.

REMINDER:  This Sunday is your last opportunity to pick up tickets for you, your family, and all your friends for our 4th Birthday party and Free Movie night on Tuesday the 21st!   Along with a free screening of Star Wars Episode 1, we’ve got a yummy Star Wars cake that any four year old would love to share, some awesome door prizes (bring your tickets…you’ll need the number to win a prize), and other surprises planned.   We want to share our birthday celebration with as many folks as possible…so bring a carload…while tickets last. :-)

It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions).  Come early to enjoy a  Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with the friendly folks of actionchurch.


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