This week in part two of the “But God” series, we’ll be talking about a question all of us have at some point in our lives: Is God actually involved in our day to day lives? Can “But God moments” happen at work? …at home? …in things not connected with church or religion? Sunday we’ll find the answers to ALL of those questions in Scripture. And, since it’s the Sunday before Valentines day, our story will include a tale of LOVE between a eligible bachelor and his cousin…and her sister…and a couple of their maids. (Even though that may sound like an episode of Downton Abbey, it’s actually in the Bible…and of course VERY romantic.) :-)
The Historic will be our musical guests, the newly expanded actionkidz is all “geared” up for a great day with your kids. Also, don’t forget to drop by the merch table and pick up tickets for our Starwars Episode One 3D movie night and birthday bash! It all starts at 10:30 am at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions). Come early to enjoy a Coffee, Maple Donuts, bagels, and Muffins with the friendly folks of actionchurch.