This Sunday we debuted a new Talk Back card. As with all the branded material that Josiah has developed over the years, the new card looks far better than the old card that I “designed”. I used to print the older version out on card stock and cut them on an ancient paper cutter in our basement. We used to ask if guests had heard about us on Myspace. An even older version of the card asked if guests had heard about actionchurch from the Radio, Television, or Newspaper stories about our launch. Facebook and twitter (now often checked options) weren’t even on our radar when actionchurch launched in 2008. We never imagined when we began that we would meet in a theater…or that yard signs would be such an effective way to advertise.
Here’s something that has remained the same over the years: The number one box that people check when we ask how they heard about actionchurch is…drum roll please…FRIEND! Even in this time of social media and online communication, the most important thing that you can do to let York county know that there is a church like actionchurch…a church that Loves God, Loves People, and Takes action…a church where Jesus is preached and EVERYONE is welcome…is to simply invite a friend.
Who can you invite this week?