- Jesus said the work of his followers would be "fishing for people". I think it matters who you fish with: http://t.co/yBFWBIg #
- "Requirement to be a righteous man: fall down seven times, get up eight".
– @RevRunWisdom (Proverbs 24:16). #
- I create the light and make the darkness.I send good times and bad times. I, the Lord, am the one who does these things. (Isaiah 45:7 NLT) #
- Gearing up for actionchurch at the park III (7.31.11). You can get all the details Sunday. http://t.co/wyliKVK #
- Godly generosity ISN'T giving because U feel guilty about having more than others-but because U trust that God has more than U can give!#fb #
- Something happening a Frank Theaters Queensgate thats non-Harry-Potter-related? :-) This Sunday at actionchurch: http://t.co/12xx4PH #
- Using the word "gospel" for everything like the Smurfs use the word "Smurf": can be both smurfing annoying and smurfing confusing. :-) #
- Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose.
I'll miss #fridaynightlights #
- Can't wait to get the new talkback card into our new guests hands tomorrow at actionchurch. Courtesy @josiahkatz: http://t.co/6bImmiQ #
- Good concepts without good design is never good enough. (something I've learned over the last 3 years of actionchurch) #