The story of Easter is the story of victory. It’s the story of the greatest come-back, buzzer-beater, long-shot, come-from-behind-in-the-final-seconds, win in history. Just when the religious leaders thought they had got rid of their nemesis, when the crowds thought they had finally shouted down the teacher, when the all-powerful Romans thought they had killed the “King of the Jews”, just when the few remaining followers of Jesus huddled together in defeat, Jesus won! Jesus defeated death, Hell, and our mutual enemy Satan three days after EVERYONE thought the game was over!
Sunday we will celebrate that victory, and we’ll answer some questions that still remain thousands of years later.
Music this week is from ” 33 “ who will be returning to actionchurch for the first time since our move to Frank Theaters. This year we have plenty of seats for your Friends and Family, and actionkidz has a very special morning…and a great Easter Basket for later…prepared for your kids!
The service starts at 10:30 am. No need to dress up…just wake up and join us at Frank theaters (Directions) early to enjoy coffee, Maple Donuts, and a chance to hang with actionchurch folks.