Last week I made the “confession of faith” that I had made the switch from blackberry to iPhone. “Apple people” warmly welcomed me into their “religion”. :-). One week later I can say that I’m glad I made the switch. My life Is better because I now have “given my life” to my new iPhone. In fact, I’m posting this from a job site thanks to my wordpress blogging app.
Here’s what I’m realizing though: I’m still not one of the “apple people” yet. I didn’t watch Steve Jobs keynote yesterday. I’m not eagerly awaiting the new operating system. In fact, (gasp) I still use a pc at home.
I think I “get” how people who have recently decided to follow Jesus(or are exploring the possibility) feel about “church” people. It’s possible to love Jesus and not have a Bible cover. It’s possible to love Jesus and not have a single Chris Tomlin song in your iPod. It’s possible to love Jesus and not use words like “baptismal font” or “narthex”.
I want actionchurch to be a church for people who aren’t necessarily “church people”. I want actionchurch to be a place where anyone can be loved and accepted no matter who they are…yes, even “church people”.
…and yes, even “apple people”.