I’m a list maker. As disorganized as I can be sometimes, I’d be a random flurry of “getting-nothing-done-ness” if I didn’t have lists everywhere to remind me of what needs to be done next. This Sunday I made a list on my blackberry to remind me what I needed to announce at the end of the service. It helped. Without a list, I can actually forget the three things I need to talk about, on the four steps from the “tech pit” to the stage.
I make lists for others. The sunday morning “run down” is a list I make every week of every element that needs to happen. I make lists for Josiah and the creative team. I make lists for work. I make lists of things I need to accomplish during the week. I make lists for God.
I try to play it cool when I pray. I try to not make it “sound” like a list when I talk to the creator. I usually say something like “I know you have it handled, but I’d really like to know where the next venue for actionchurch is located.” “I know you have it handled, but I really need to know where we can get the resources and the volunteer crew needed to make actionkidz great for the ever increasing numbers of children that show up each week.” “I know you have it handled, but are we really supposed to put on a banquet for 600 cancer survivorsand caretakers in less than a month? “I know you have it handled, but where are we going to get the….”
My list for God goes on and on. I know the Bible says to “pray without ceasing”, but I wonder sometimes if I would be showing more faith if I prayed less and trusted more.
I wonder if I thank God enough for the things that “come off of the list” and become reality. Miraculously.
I wonder if the list is actually for me, to remind me of the “impossible” things that happen.
I wonder if the list is to remind me that there is always a “new thing” that goes on my prayer list…that I will always need to talk to God because I ALWAYS need answers only he can give.
I’m making a list.
What’s your “list” that you are praying about now?