So this Sunday we kicked off the “4 Guaranteed ways to ruin your life and lose everything series” at actionchurch. We continuously try to keep things fresh unpredictable on Sunday mornings but this might have been the strangest Sunday ever. Sort of like bizzaro world… I found myself encouraging people to “Ignore God!”, “Ignore wise Godly advice”, “Ignore Scripture and what God has done in the past” if you want to be sure to Ruin your life and lose everything. I’m a big fan of sarcasm and irony…but at a certain point it just really felt weird as a pastor to be urging folks to do things that are CLEARLY harmful .
Thanks to Lynn and Steve (or Steve and Lynn…that seemed to be a bit of an argument :-) ) and all the actionchurch crew for making Sunday possible.
Maybe the ultimate irony is that it this backwards “bizzaro’ series underscores another truth about the Good News of Jesus. There are literally limitless ways to ruin your life and lose everything. There is ONE way that leads to eternal life. It’s actually very difficult to “chose” between all of the ways that lead to distruction…there are so many…and they all seem sort of “normal” and “logical” in the world we live in. Maybe it all boils down to this:
12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. Proverbs 14: 12
Stay tuned this week for more great ways to ruin your life and lose everything…