Hard to believe this was already the final week of the “txt msg” series…we are definitely going to be making more interactive “texting” portions in future sermon series. The topic today was “What is it to be a ‘Christian'”? …”What does God want us to do with our lives?” I shared some instructions Paul wrote to the church at Philipi from Phillipians 2:12-16 about how they should live…2000+ years later I think the Christians would be far more “popular” and definitely more effective in our culture if we put could just put those simple instructions into practice!
The Highlights:
- The Shakedown on Stage…I like these dudes a lot. They are have a very unique sound and I always like their originals even better than their covers..
- Lots and Lots of technical difficulties today… the cool thing is that most people probably didn’t know because we are getting much better at dealing with stuff that is screwed up.
- Also lots of great questions today. I didn’t get to some really great questions due to time but I will definitely try to post some of them later in the week.
- Today I announced that we are going to be out at the York Fair again in three weeks…Looking forward to giving out free coffee and telling lots of people about actionchurch at Fat Daddy’s…more details to follow.
- Josiah thought it would be a “great idea” to post my “so 1987” High school Senior picture as a “text message from the 80’s” It was funny..but now I must kill him!!! Actually he’s pretty much indispensable so I guess I can’t murder him…although I did shove him afterwards…assault and battery??? (I also know that Michele was his accomplice…I can’t “kill her” though…or Reagan and I would starve to death…she’s indispensable in lots of ways!)
- I am looking forward to starting our next “un” series next week. I think this is going to be a very important three weeks for us as a church…
- We were packed this morning…one of the club owners checked in and couldn’t believe how much we have grown over the summer.
- It was very cool also to spend the afternoon hanging at one of the owner’s home for of his son’s birthday party…We were laughing about the fact that this time last year I was still the “crazy preacher dude” trying to convince them to let us have church at their club…I’m still a “crazy preacher dude” but it is so cool how that relationship has changed. We honestly could not ask for more supportive club owners to rent from…
- …found out that the “actionchurch” #87 Extreme stock camaro finished 2nd last Night! Thanks to Lance for giving actionchurch a shout out from victory lane…
- I need to get an “actionchurch bike parking” sign made…It was cool to see the bikes roll in this morning for set up….
- Speaking of set up wow…Thanks to all of you Dave, Josiah, Garrett, Bill, Lori, Michele, Jeff, and Chrissy…you guys are “monsters” thanks for “making it happen” on Sunday morning. Thanks also to Dan, Steve, and Ethen for making everything “disappear” afterward.
- Thanks to all of you who invite, invest and are getting involved…the best is yet to come!