I got invited to church yesterday. Well at least someone put a flyer on my door. I appreciate the invite, I really do. I admire that you are willing to come to my door to tell me about your church. We are on the same “team”, you and I. We both want people to get to know Jesus.
Here’s the problem though. My family doesn’t look anything like the (clipart) family on your flyer. Most of my friends don’t either. I don’t own a tie. I don’t have a bible cover with handles. We don’t all have smiling intact families with a dad, mom, and two perfect children. Many of my friends are divorced. Some of us are alone. We are broken, scarred and a little cynical. We don’t rush to church just because we are offered “bible centered preaching” and “vibrant singing”. In fact, many of us have given up on church altogether.
My friends and I are starting a church for the “rest of us”. It’s called actionchurch. It’s not a “better” church than the one in your flyer. In fact, I noticed your pastor is a “Doctor”. Ours didn’t even stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. We don’t have it all together, and we probably never will. We just think there needs to be a place where “the rest of us” can meet Jesus…
28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light.” Mathew 11:2-30 (NLT)