Sunday @ actionchurch


This week “At the Movies” we’re going “big”.  BIG movie.  BIG topic.  BIG questions.  So, take the time to watch interstellar  (it’s showing at 7pm Friday night at the church if you would like to see it in Hi-Def on the big screen), then show up on Sunday morning as we discuss it.  This may be the ONE sermon you hear about the theory of Relativity as discussed in the Bible (yep…it’s in there), the normalcy bias, space travel, corn, the return of Jesus Christ, and the “end of the world”. :-)   You probably don’t want to miss it.

We’ve also got some brand new music from “Sink In”  along with all the “normal” food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We’ve even freed up more parking…so go a head and invite ALL your friends and family that have been curious about actionchurch. We look forward to seeing you at…well…at the actionchurch building (that sounds really weird somehow) :-) – 10:30 am (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.

Cars and Cogs


“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.”

1 John 3:18


Common knowledge – my guys are motor heads. Pedal bikes have been passé for them since they were about four years old. I love when they gather around a car with the hood up, stare at the engine and start to talk “car”.   I like listening to them when they get together with other actionchurch guys who are more comfortable in the garage than the living room..…’s like they are speaking a different language.

“It’s a small block 350 4 speed, but it would be really boss if it was a 396 big block.”

“12 bolt posi rear?” – “Well, yeah!”

“OH – look! That’s a 2SS RS 6.2….” “Awesome! 425 factory horse.”   “Man! 6 speed – but what’s the tranny like?”

Honestly – I don’t understand – Not. One. Single. Word. Oh, they ecstatically point out what they are talking about. And they would more than gladly take the time to try to educate me.  My typical response is usually something like……. “OOoooo – that’s a pretty red color!”  The extent of my car knowledge is – if you get in, turn the key and the gas light isn’t on – you can go.

Even though we aren’t even close to understanding each other, or speaking the same language – it is strikingly clear by their actions that they LOVE cars. They love everything about them. They like the way they look – and LOVE the way they sound. They like how the mechanisms work. They get excited by how they move – especially when they are moving fast. They like the emblems…..the styles……the nostalgia…..the history of everything automotive.   And it shows in their body language, their facial expressions, and even the excitement in their voices as they talk about – well, ….. pieces of metal.

And, hearing them extoll the virtues of a 1970 Chevelle – it makes me wonder sometimes what language I am speaking when non- believers hear me talk about the gospel. Do they really understand the meaning of my actionT or the actioncog symbol on my window.  If they don’t understand my words – are they able to see my love for Christ in my actions. Is it clear from the look on my face that I love and believe the words that I speak. Am I excited about the message that I am proclaiming………

As we wrap up the Dashboard Series and as you go through your daily life – whether you are talking about cars or explaining the cog in the actionchurch logo – make certain that the love part is what is shining through.

Love God

Love people

Take action



Let’s Eat


“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil…..” Ecclesiastes 2:24

Friday the 5th of June was National Donut Day! Most of us in York County have it marked on our calendars. I think the bargaining unit at work might have gotten it in their contract as a holiday. And there is a rumor that a committee is forming to organize a parade…..but THAT is just speculation.

Here is a fact.   At actionchurch – we do love donuts. (And coffee) Since the very beginning, when people began gathering for “church” there have been donuts. In the early days of actionchurch we weren’t sure how we were going to afford the rent each week – let alone a dozen donuts. But each week we managed to somehow find a way to purchase the donuts. There has never been a week at actionchurch when we didn’t GIVE someone food.

The donut theme carried over to Relay for Life. I remember the first Relay my family attended. We were pretty “green behind the ears” – clueless really. We didn’t bring jackets, or chairs or a tent. My kids ended up sound asleep under the deflated bounce house trying to stay warm. Michelle Record (a.k.a The Preacher’s Wife) was the lone walker on the track. As the sun peaked above the horizon on Saturday morning Don began taking orders for a donut run. I thought (and still do think) we had the coolest preacher in the world. Donut delivery!

So, when Michelle approached me with the idea to provide breakfast for the attendees who had walked throughout the night – I thought it was a great idea. I figured she meant we would buy donuts in mass quantities, throw them on some pretty plates and pour some coffee. Clueless – really.

What Michelle meant – was a full out, multicourse, hot breakfast for ALL the RFL participants……at 7:00 in the morning……in the middle of a football field…….after walking for 18+ hours…….And I can tell you for another fact that I dropped the ball that year. Clueless doesn’t begin to define my attempts at giving people food (not donuts). The gravy was lumpy, the omelet bar was a bigger flop than the soggy green peppers, there was mass confusion and mayhem. I tried to string miles of electric cords for 20 bazillion hot plates, blew breakers left and right – Don was ready to kill me and I was ready to quit.

BUT – here is the good news! We DIDN’T give up. We DIDN’T throw in the towel. (Obviously we didn’t kill each other) And each year that we serve others breakfast at Relay for Life we find ways to improve and enjoy what we do. Even last year the torrential rain didn’t daunt our efforts. We just found a way to make it better and more funner-er…..

And that is what we intend to do as a church. We aren’t going to give up or quit. We are going to examine what we do and find ways to improve. We are going to continue to serve others in REALLY big ways. We are going to actively search for opportunities.

And knowing actionchurch – it will probably involve food.

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Acts 2:42


What YOU can do…

This morning actionchurch volunteers unloaded, unpacked, and moved pallets of new chairs into our soon to be completed auditorium (affectionately known as “the box”) in North York.  Thanks to you, our friends, family, (and even many friends we have not yet met) will have a comfortable place to sit and join us as we celebrate, eat, pray, learn, laugh and who-knows-what-else in the new venue.  It’s pretty amazing to think about the possibilities these chairs, that only cost $16.48/each, (Yeah, I think I’ll remember that amount forever :-)  will bring to serve and love the people of our community.  Congratulations!  YOU did it!  Thank you so much.

Here’s the thing that I want you to consider, though.  After shipping and tax, the chairs cost roughly $5000.00.   Imagine if several weeks ago we would have just simply asked for $5000.00 to purchase chairs.  My guess is that most of you would have thought to yourself, “Wow, I hope someone has an extra five grand.  I’d love to help…and I really hope we get the chairs…but that’s way outside my ability to handle”.   But, instead of asking for $5000.00 we simply stated the need for chairs at $16.48 each, and asked for EVERYONE to give what they could.  Some gave one chair.  Some gave several chairs.  Some gave a few chairs each week. A few gave 10 or more chairs at a time.  But, the amazing thing is that you trusted that it was possible, you gave what you could, and in an incredibly short period, YOU gave MORE THAN ENOUGH chairs for our friends and guests!  YOU did it!  Thats what YOU can do.

I want you to consider one more thing.  The chairs are only a SMALL part of the story.  One of YOU purchased and donated a building that previously served as home to nightclubs to be the home of Loving God, Loving people, and taking action in York county!  Many of you removed over 20,000 pounds (You read that right) of trash and debris from that building!!!   Many more of you have shared your money, talents, time, sweat, and tools to construct a new home for our church inside those walls!   It’s happening. Carpet is being installed.  Walls are being painted.  We are less than 3 weeks away from having our first Sunday service in our first permanent 24/7 venue.  YOU did it.  That’s what YOU can do!

There is much more still to be done.  Much more effort and money needed to complete this project in the upcoming weeks.  If I gave you a list of the items still needing to be purchased, and the work needing to be completed, you would probably correctly say to yourself: “Wow…I hope all that stuff gets done…I hope someone donates the money necessary…It’s just way too much for me to handle.”   Please remember the chairs.  YOU don’t have to do it all…but…if all of you do something, we CAN complete this amazing project on time.   We have been blessed far beyond what we deserve by God with this opportunity.  I’m simply asking that you trust that this is possible, and do what you can…serve as you can…give what you can. You will be amazed at the final result…and YOU WILL be glad that you did.   That’s what YOU can do!





On Sunday we learned that leaders are those with the heart of a servant.

“Whoever wants to be the most important person must take the last place and be a servant to everyone else.” Mark 9:35

We know who they are. They are the people at actionchurch who not only do those jobs that no one else wants to do – but they do them without fanfare or glory. They are humble in spirit. They work where it is hot and dirty. They scrub and clean toilets. They pray for and serve the worst of humanity in the worst conditions. They are the first in and the last out.

We look up to servant leaders. We admire their humble service. We aspire to serve with the same selfless devotion that we witness when we see them giving of their time and talents with little or no earthly reward.

They inspire us.

There are so many servant leaders within actionchurch who have inspired me over the years. This Valentine’s Day I want to take the opportunity to thank our leaders from the bottom of my heart. I want to be more like those that work in the background with little thanks and even less recognition. I want to be a part of bigger things to come in North York. I want to learn more so I can teach more. I want to do more so I can reach more people for Christ. I want to be a servant with a humble heart.

I’m thanking those who inspire me, and I’m hoping you will take the time to give a shout out to those who inspire you as well!

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams