The Question.

liberty-land question Every one of us ask ourselves questions when we make decisions, (Especially things that we know could have bad consequences for us in the future.)   We ask ourselves questions like:  “Can I get away with it?” “Can they REALLY test for that?”  “Do they have cameras here?”   “Will my boss find out?”  “Will someone tell my wife”  or “What if someone posts this photo on Facebook?”

Religious people ask another question when faced with a similar moral dilemma. They ask, “Is it wrong to ______________? (insert your own questionable activity in the blank).   Then, most of the time, religious people find either an agreeable member of the clergy to tell them that their questionable activity is in fact NOT sin, or they find other religious people or pastors who think it IS sinful to argue with… :-)

This month at actionchurch we’re talking about what life would be like if we didn’t ask ANY of the questions above.   We’re discussing living a life free of the slavery to sin, AND free from the slavery of religion called legalism.  We’re calling this place of Christian liberty and freedom- “Liberty Land”.  (Missed last week?  Podcast is here)

So, here’s the question that people who live in Liberty Land ask when faced with a moral dilemma.

They don’t ask: “Can I get away with ____________?”
“Is it wrong to_______________?

People who live in the Freedom and Liberty that Christ prepared for them are motivated by one thing- Love for others.  It shows up in everything they do…including the questions they ask themselves.  So if you’d like to experience “Liberty Land” I dare you to ask this question…a question that will change EVERYTHING:

Is __________________Good for the ones I love?

13 For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. 14 For the whole law can be summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Galatians 5:13-14

Obeying God


Sunday we started a month of learning from the story of Ezra, a simple scribe who led his people back from captivity in Babylon to rebuild their temple and their land.  It’s an inspiring story of God’s power.  It’s a great example of how a single “moment of grace” can change everything.

The Story of Ezra also contains many great examples of how the people of God “took action” in obedience to God.  The Jewish people gave sacrificially to fund the rebuilding of their temple and journey back to Jerusalem.  Many people left their comfortable homes in Babylon to live in the frontier conditions of the war ravaged city of Jerusalem.  The story features many great examples of people volunteering their time and skills to do the work of rebuilding the temple and the city.  In fact, I can’t imagine how many sermons have been preached from the Book of Ezra over the ages to encourage people to “dig deep” in their wallets to fund a new building or “temple renovation”.  I’m sure countless sermons have been preached from the story of Ezra to urge people to volunteer for church projects or missions trips.  I can’t even imagine how many sermons have been preached over the years urging folks away from the “comfort of Babylon” and toward a life of sacrifice and significance in the work of “rebuilding Jerusalem.”

Good Sermons, all.

Motivational. Inspirational. Correct.

(With just a pinch of  guilt thrown in)


We learned Sunday that God used rescued the people of Israel to fulfill a prophecy and a promise he made through the prophet Jeremiah 70 years before.  (You can read it here: Jeremiah 29:1-14).   Through Jeremiah, God instructed his people to

“Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.” Jeremiah 29:5-7.

I have a feeling that over the years, FAR FEWER sermons have been preached urging people to simply have babies, take care of their families, work hard and share the success of their company and city.   That’s not nearly as inspiring…or good for “church business”…but it WAS absolutely being obedient to God.

So…As I try to wrap up this overly long thought before I close my laptop and turn on my paint sprayer..Let me leave you with this.

Obey God.

Whether obeying God means moving to Africa to serve lepers, or leaving your lawnmower in your cul de sac lawn long enough to listen to a neighbor who is going through a messy divorce.

Obey God.

Whether that means adopting orphans,  or making a mini-van full of babies the old fashioned way.

Obey God.

Whether that means leaving your career and using your skills as a volunteer, or being the most well paid craftsman at your corporation, small business, or job site.

Obey God.  Do what he says.  Go where he leads you.  Ignore the hype.  We need you…the kingdom plan of Jesus DEPENDS on people like you…whoever you are…WHATEVER he has called you to do.  Obey God.




Sermon Series (Behind the scenes)


I’m excited to begin a brand new series this Sunday at actionchurch.   Every “first Sunday” of a series seems like a mini-christmas to me as I get to “unwrap” a brand new story from scripture, brand new visuals and graphic from Josiah, and (EVERY TIME!) share brand new things I’ve learned from my preparations that I never anticipated.

I think this series called “The Moment”, taken from the story of Ezra, marks a  milestone for us as a church.   In the past, I’ve been primarily responsible for coming up with the sermon series concepts that we do on Sundays.  In the past year, I’ve been blessed to have Rich, Steve, and Bill share some of the sunday morning teaching responsibilities.  This series will mark the first truly TEAM effort on producing a complete teaching series.  Steve Warrington began talking about the lessons he was learning from a little known Old Testament character Ezra, months ago.  Josiah contributed the “hook” of the series a few weeks ago in a meeting, and I’ll be contributing my ability to explain ancient truth from scripture with some of the dumbest analogies from modern life you’ve ever experienced in church :-)   It’s going to be fun…and truly helpful as only God’s word can be!

How does a sermon series like “The Moment”  get chosen out of all the possibilities of things we could discuss on Sunday morning?  I’m glad you asked.  Simply put, the story of Ezra answers important questions we have today, with principles and examples that are still valuable and practical NOW.  That part hasn’t changed one bit in how we prepare and plan teaching series at actionchurch.  Every week we attempt to connect the “right” questions with the right answers from scripture.   Ask the wrong questions- you get “boring”.  (Does anyone really have pressing questions about how to build a temple as Ezra and his fellow Israelites did?)  If we give the wrong answers…answers not connected to the truth of scripture…people are harmed and credibility is lost.   I’m excited about “The Moment” because I’m SURE that we’ll be answering some really important questions about “Dreams”, Success, Legacy, and living a  life of significance with POWERFUL truths from the story of EZRA.



One of the remarkable things about the stories in the Book of Judges that we’ve been studying in this months “By Faith” series, is how very diverse the stories are.  Gideon was a reluctant hero, recruited by an angel to use asymmetrical warfare tactics to defeat an overwhelming enemy.  Samson was a one man army with a terrible temper (and a weakness for hot and hostile Philistine women).  Barak was recruited for battle by  Deborah, a woman who managed to shatter the glass ceiling and become a Judge over Israel at a time when women were regarded mostly as property.   This Sunday we’ll be exploring the story of Jephthah, a powerful outlaw who was pressed into duty (and the leadership of his people) because of his violent reputation.

The book of Judges in the Old Testament is fascinating.  Every story is different.  Every character is unique. But, there is ONE theme that runs throughout the historical record of the early nation of Israel…and that theme is a big part or your life story and mine as well.  Each story is about people who need to be rescued, and each story begins precisely the same.  Here’s this week’s opening lines:

Again the Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight…  (Judges 10:6a)


Over and over.

Every story begins the same.

And, each time they found themselves in misery and bondage, they cried out to God to rescue them -again.   I am SO thankful for the mercy of God.  I am eternally grateful that instead of giving up on rescuing sinful, disobedient people, he sent one more ultimate rescue mission.  Instead of giving up on sinful people who ignored angels, prophets, and heroes, he sent his Son- Jesus.   And, even though we misused and even murdered HIM, he still chose to permanently rescue those who would believe and follow from their sins.

Thank you God for rescuing me from my sin.
