Faith and Levers

Leverage diagram

This month at actionchurch we’re discussing the amazing similarities between the power of faith, and the power of the lever.  At first glance the two couldn’t appear to be more different.  Levers are solid, mechanical, common in our world. These simple machines create mechanical advantage in countless common items, while faith seems like an abstract concept, a rarity, perhaps even a mythical idea.  Even when we SEE faith in action, most of us look for some other explanation for its power.

But what if faith is already in us?  Just like our bones and muscles are formed into elegantly powerful levers inside us, what if faith and leverage were both given to us by God?   What could we learn from levers (which we can see) that could teach us about the faith that we cannot?

Here’s a few things to think about:

Levers don’t create effort.   They just magnify it.  You can stare at a lever all day hoping and believing it will lift a load or move an object…and NOTHING will happen.  I believe the same is true of Faith. (Can’t wait to discuss this concept this Sunday…it’s powerful!)

You will NEVER be “stronger” than a lever, but a lever can make anyone MORE powerful.  Ever watched the “Worlds Strongest Man” competition?  There are a few men in the world who can literally lift one end of a small car off it’s wheels.  However, almost ANYONE can do the same with a lever. The same is true of faith.  The most powerful people in the world pale in comparison to the power available to “weak people” who harness the leverage of faith.  By faith, David beats Goliath…every time.

Levers MUST have a strong immovable fulcrum or pivot to work.  The same can be said of faith.  We actually often utilize the principles of faith in our world, but without the immovable and all powerful “fulcrum” of God, our best leverage fails as its shaky, man-made, fulcrum crumbles.

Finally, just like Archimedes theorized that levers are nearly infinitely powerful, so is the power of faith.  The question is…how can we harness the amazing power that God has given us…how does it work…when does it work? (Remember without God as our “fulcrum” our best attempts at faith crumble into sad pointlessness)

I can’t wait to explore more of the amazing power of faith (and levers) this month! Stay tuned.

21 Then Jesus told them, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don’t doubt, you can do things like this and much more. You can even say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen.- Jesus  (Matthew 21:21)

“Can of Worms”

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Someone stopped me Sunday after the service with a great comment: “I think instead of calling this series ‘Ask me Anything’, you should have called it ‘Opening a can of worms'”.  I’m not exactly sure where the phrase “opening a can of worms” came from (who cans worms???) , but I get what they meant.   Asking (and answering) real questions about God, Religion, Sin, Church etc is difficult and even upsetting at times…and I’m completely fine with that.

In fact, I hope EVERY week at actionchurch, people honestly question what they hear. I hope they ask themselves: “Is this true?”, “Does the Bible really say that?”, “Does God still expect that from his followers”?  I pray we always ask tough questions, and love others enough to share the difficult truths from scripture.  I pray we will always love God enough to take action, by putting his commands into practice in our lives.

Even when it’s an uncomfortable process.

Even when we don’t like the answer.

Even when we struggle to understand.

Even when every “answer” just raises more questions.

Tough questions lead to growth…and it’s ABSOLUTELY worth the trouble that comes from “opening a can of worms”…whatever that means. :-)

11 And the people of Berea were more open-minded than those in Thessalonica, and they listened eagerly to Paul’s message. They searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. 12 As a result, many Jews believed, as did many of the prominent Greek women and men.   (Acts 17:11-12)

AMA (Ask me anything) Starts this Sunday!


During the month of October, we will be exploring yet another amazing facet of our God’s “personality”:  God is an “ask me anything” God!  Now, I know that (depending on your faith background) that may surprise you.  In fact, you may even have the opinion that God demands unquestioning obedience…that it is somehow “against the rules” to question God.  Nothing could be further from reality.  Throughout scripture, a seemingly endless string of “characters” are recorded asking God some really probing questions.  And, instead of responding with a good old-fashioned “smiting”, God actually answered their questions.  In fact, in many cases, he actually WELCOMED their inquiries!   Check out this passage from  Jeremiah 33:2-3:

“This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it—the Lord is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’


I can’t wait to talk about some of the great questions from scripture that you may have never heard (but I bet you have thought about yourself).  I can’t wait to introduce you to a tiny book of the Bible with a really funny name.  October is going to be a great time at actionchurch, but in the meantime we need your help.  In the spirit of the “Ask me anything” series we would like to hear (and TRY to answer) YOUR best questions.  Questions about the Bible..about God….about religion…about actionchurch…about personal things you thought you could NEVER ask in church.  ASK US ANYTHING!

You can start by emailing us at DM us @actionchurch on Twitter, or message us on  We will be more than happy to keep your identity (but not your question) private.  Come on, ASK US ANYTHING!



It’s hard to believe that this coming Sunday is the final week of this years “at the movies” series.  So far we’ve talked about a gadget-savvy-hero who dressed up as a giant bat, an animated character living in a video game, a real life hero who turned the racially segregated world of the 1950’s on it’s head, and this week a typical zombie-corpse-meets-girl-zombie-corpse-doesn’t-eat-girl love story. :-) Needless to say, in order to learn some very valuable  principles from scripture, we’ve had to use our imaginations.  In order to change our mindsets, we’ve had mentally place ourselves in situations FAR different from our own.

I’m SO thankful for the teachings of Jesus this morning.  He COULD HAVE come with a dry list of rules, facts, and regulations.  He COULD HAVE lectured us.   He COULD HAVE used flash cards or spreadsheets.  Instead, he asked those who gathered to use their imagination….he asked those he taught to place themselves mentally in a completely different situation.  His parables and stories delighted and intrigued the huge crowds that gathered to hear them.  He’d say things like:  Imagine a rich man who had already made more money than he could ever spend.  Imagine if you found a treasure in a field.  Imagine if you lost a valuable family heirloom coin.  Imagine a farmer sowing seeds in a field.  Imagine a man who had been beaten and robbed, waiting on the side of the road waiting to be helped.

I’m so very thankful for the imagination and compassion of the Son of God. I’m thankful that as followers of Christ, he left us such a fantastic tool…imagination…to help us make others aware of the new life he offers.  Most of all, I’m thankful for his stories…and how they have changed me…more than I could ever imagine.

How about you?



This Sunday, during the “Wreck it Ralph” episode of “at the movies”  we talked a lot about changing your life.  We talked about the many difficulties that come with ANY major change we attempt, from unsupportive friends, to the labels we put on ourselves, to the natural pull of our sinful natures to want to do the wrong thing instead of the right. (Yes, you probably were “born that way”.)   However, in spite of all the difficulties, in spite of all the potential pain, people STILL make the decision to change their lives.   Big Changes…Little changes…it’s inspiring and exciting…just watch out for the Snooze button.

Yes.  There is a snooze button in life change.  It’s just as real as the virtual snooze button I hit on my iPhone this morning instead of getting up the 30-brutal-minutes-earlier that I planned. (Yep…even alarm clock apps have that evil feature)   We’ve all seen people push the  “snooze button” on life change…we’ve probably even done it ourselves.  “I’ll start my diet after the holidays.”  “I’m gonna hit the gym after school starts”.   “I’ll definitely start getting out of debt after I get a better job”. And, perhaps the saddest of all, “I definitely plan on becoming a Christ follower…I just have some things I need to work on first. ” Snooze.  Snooze.  Snooze. Snooze.

If you keep hitting the snooze button, you will definitely miss that early appointment.  Keep pushing the procrastination snooze button long enough…and you will never experience life change.  Do it now!  Today.  No more “snoozing”.  It’s the only way it actually happens!

(Got to run, but for some reason I’m 18 minutes behind schedule)

Snooze.  Snooze

16 What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized. Have your sins washed away by calling on the name of the Lord.’  Acts 22:16