Town hall meeting Sunday.

Sunday, for the first time ever, we will be preempting the current sermon series  (Or at least pushing the fast forward button) to talk about some very important news.  Even though we’re calling it a town hall meeting do not feel obligated to bring protest signs or yell “You lie” during the conversation :-) There will be no discussions of death panels, tax increases,  or public options.  We will however be sharing some information and answering questions urgent enough to break into the previously scheduled line up.  This is going to be a week that we will remember for a very long time.  Something big is happening…hear about it first hand.

Crew- meeting first thing Sunday morning…you’ll hear it first.

If you enjoy irony…please read the previous two blog posts this week before attending…

4 thoughts on “Town hall meeting Sunday.

  1. Oh no, I know what it is! Michelle, can’t get anymore chocolate covered donuts! …Seriously, whatever it is – “We shall overcome!”

  2. I have posted something on craigs list Sunday and have already gotten a few ideas from people! Check out the post -york,pa-community-groups.