Every week at actionchurch we ask people who attend to do three things. If you’ve been attending for even a short time you can probably recite them by heart:
Invite, invest, and get involved.
This week for Easter Sunday, you can actually remember just one of the above…INVITE! Here’s why.
Over the last four years, many people have invested in actionchurch. They’ve invested their money. That investment allows us to rent THREE theaters and a party room at the most amazing theater in town each week. (One for the main service and two for children’s services.) The’ve purchased a truck…and a truck load of equipment and signage necessary to transform those movie theaters into actionchurch each Sunday morning. People…dozens of really talented, hardworking people…have gotten involved in the Sunday morning mission of actionchurch. They unload and assemble thousands of pounds of equipment. They create and staff great children’s environments in our actionkidz theaters. They assemble a lighting, sound, and video system in the main auditorium. The book bands, and create art for the screens, uncountable behind-the-scenes details that make a Sunday morning experience at actionchurch the fast moving hour that it is. They set up and staff a check in center for kids, an info center for adults, and a cafe stocked with donuts…and muffins…and water…and coffee, anything we can think of to make our guests feel welcome and comfortable on Sunday morning. ALL of it happens each Sunday because so many people Love God, Love people, and take action by creating a place for them to be introduced to the life-changing story of Jesus like actionchurch.
Because of them…the people who invest and get involved at actionchurch each week, we’ve got great seats available…comfy, red leather, rocking, seats…available for Easter morning next Sunday at Frank Theaters. We’re so blessed to be able to make over a hundred more of those great seats available by merely removing the black curtain that runs across the rear of the theater.
Many of your family and friends who don’t normally attend church are considering whether that should change this Easter Sunday. They probably have NO idea a place like actionchurch has been prepared specifically for them. Stop and think for a moment about who that could be in your circle of family and friends. Who could you bring with you Sunday? Who would be GLAD that you took the time to introduce them to a place like actionchurch…to a life-changer like Jesus. Who is it that will miss out on what is available, just because someone didn’t take the time to invite them to come along with them Sunday?
Who are you going to invite?