Sunday @ actionchurch

Do you have problems?  Problems bigger than “I-wanted-orange-juice-but-I-just-brushed-my-teeth” problems?  Problems bigger than “I-ordered-a-large-fry-at-the-drive-through-and-they-only-gave-me-two-ketchup-packets” problems? Problems bigger than “I-forgot-to-cut-the-itchy-tag-off-my-brand-new-shirt” kind of problems?

The Bible is filled with great insights and principles dealing with living happy and contented lives even in the midst of problems.  Real problems.  Not just the “I-put-my-change-into-the-soda-machine-and-I-got-a-Diet-Coke-even-though-I-pushed-the-Coke-ZERO-button” kind of problems.  The Bible is filled with real solutions,  not just bumper sticker cliche  “I-used-to-think-these-new-shoes-looked-ugly-until-I-saw-a-dude-on-the-internet-with-no-feet” kind of solutions.

Don’t miss the kick off of the brand new “First World Problems” series on Sunday.  Darry Miller and the Veil will be our musical guest, and actionkidz is buzzing with their new “bootcamp” series.

The service starts at 10:30 am. No need to dress up…just wake up and join us at Frank Theaters Queensgate (Directions) early to enjoy coffee, Maple Donuts, and a chance to hang with actionchurch folks.

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