Dinner for 600 update

I couldn’t let the day end without thanking everyone for being a part of sponsoring the Survivor Banquet at Relay for life on June 18th.  Today the actionkidz (Special thanks to Kenna and Chuck) raised over 200 dollars for the banquet with their bake sale/raffle.  All together we are over $1500…more than half way there! 

When 600 Cancer Survivors and Caretakers sit down to eat and celebrate at Relay for life…it will be because ALL of you chose to love God, love people, and PROVE IT by taking action!

One thought on “Dinner for 600 update

  1. EVERYONE gets a special shout out today! The kids loved being a part of what is going on at Actionchurch….we had so many people help out in a BIG way. Set – up, Raffle donations, Bakers, even candle stick makers! Thanks to everyone who donated items, helped serve items, and especially to those who supported our cause with their hard earned dollars! FANTASTIC event!