
Yesterday I had a chance to watch a little “cable news”. I’ve been studying the Book of Acts for the “Rock Band” series and I couldn’t help but think about what the response of the church…actionchurch in particular…should be to the economic uncertainty we face as a nation.

I’m not sure what the “fix” is for our nations finances…besides actual responsibility which is way too “unpopular” to happen… I do know that the church needs to be able to react to the financial needs that will certainly “trickle down” to our community. The question is “how”? Typical church thinking is to start a “benevolence fund” where people give donations and then the money is given to people who need it… The problem is a “few” people have to decide if the needy person is actually “worthy” of receiving the rest of the churches money… I’m desperately trying not to be political here but that system is not working out too well for us as a nation…I’m not thinking it will work great for the church…

How could we help those around us in a “decentralized” fashion… Where people who have needs could let them be known in a “non-embarrassing” way. Where people who have the ability(whether it be extra stuff, skills, or cash) could help others in need. After Church Sunday, Jared and Melissa told me about a “need it- have it” type bulletin board that they saw another church and the idea makes a lot of sense! I’m thinking about ways to make that concept work at actionchurch…both on Sunday mornings, and on line. Any Thoughts?

Other related stuff: I’m thinking that it is no “accident” that we are moving to a larger place that dramatically cuts our operating budget…God has a great sense of timing. The first series (Starting Oct. 19th) at Club 19 will be called “In God we Trust” where we will discuss (in this time of uncertainty- financial, political-cultural) what we can actually “TRUST” God to do. We are going to open up the screens for “txt messaged” questions from the crowd again…and really try to discover what God said he would do… Stay tuned.

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