Killing me with kindness..

I have often thought, “if only people were nicer to one another, the world would be a better place”. And although I still believe that in theory, I wondered, can you be too nice?

I work in a small office, which is located in a much larger office area. There are three of us in my area. We nicknamed it “Area 51” because no one really knows what we do all day in here.

We talk about all kinds of stuff and on this particular day, we were talking about music and singing. It was at that point, one of the ladies I work with told me she was singing at her church on Sunday. Now I am all about music. Listening, writing, performing, helping out and supporting others. So, I told here I would stop by to hear her sing.

I got there a bit early and took a seat in the back of the sanctuary knowing that I was going to slip out right after she was finished singing. I wanted to just blend in and not draw any attention to myself. At least that was the plan. As people came in they seemed drawn or duty bound to come back to me and welcome me to their church. The first lady was very nice and welcomed me with a handshake. She was quickly followed by three other gentlemen, two other ladies, an Elder and the guest Pastor for the day, all who asked my name, was this my first time at their church, where did I usually go to church and how glad they were to see a NEW face in the crowd. By now I was a bit on the defensive side. When I told them I went to actionchurch, they were unaware of the name. When I went on to explain, “It’s the church that started in Fat Daddy’s Bar” they looked surprised and didn’t know quite what to say. I followed up by saying “mysterious ways Hun”!

Just about then the music started and everyone went to his or her seats. As soon as the first chord rang out on the guitar and piano, everyone stood up; hands rose in the air and began to sing along with the words on the screen. Side note: That would be cool at actionchurch, a room full of people singing “Momma Told Me Not To Come” in unison. Anyway that went on for 5 songs in a row. These folks were really getting into it. Then I could hear a man talking in a different language, “could he be speaking in tongues?” I thought to myself? One young woman was so inspired she began to do an expressive dance in the side isle of the sanctuary. All of these things were very powerful and very sincere! For me it was all just a bit overwhelming. I was thinking, “am I that out of the spirit or what?”

After the last song, and while everyone was still standing, I slipped out and headed toward my car. It struck me that worship can be very different from church to church and you can have a very different worship experience in each church you attend. The point to all this is not to bash any church or to put their worship style under a microscope. It’s simply this; we never know how someone is feeling when he or she walks into actionchurch. Are they excited, scared or nervous? Do they know anything about the bible? Does a rock band opening the service and a guy in jeans and a T-shirt delivering the message put them off? We Don’t Know! (Only when he’s wearing an Argyle sweater!)

So before we kill them with kindness or completely ignore them for fear of coming on too strong, try to remember your first time in a new church and how you felt. Maybe a smile is enough to say It’s OK no matter who you are or were you came from!

So you see there really is no “right way” to worship! You want to learn more about who you are? Visit other churches, worship with them and take a walk outside your comfort zone. You may find something you were missing or you may click you heals together three times and say, “there’s no place like home”.

Heads Roll Off…

frightened rabbit

I was recently introduced to a band/artist by the name of Frightened Rabbit. I really have been enjoying their music and the raw honesty of the lyrics. A specific song, “Heads Roll Off” (Check out the lyrics) jumped out at me. This “jumping” happened mostly because I am a Christian, and when us Christians hear the word “Jesus” our ears perk up.

So I was there doing the dishes and thinking about the lyrics. And there were a lot of good lines, but this one stuck out. What if, like this man wrote, “Jesus was just a spanish boy’s name.” I had one of those moments where a sense of dread washed up my body from the inside out. And after a couple seconds of that fear running around, I had this thought…

Living out Jesus’ ideas & teachings is only going to help my life, not hurt it.

"A Dangerous Man"




Over the past couple months I have begun to read through the Gospels. Now that I have come to Luke,the third of four accounts of Jesus’ life, I feel as though I am reading the same things over and over again. I know that each Gospel varies slightly in accordance with the author’s perspective, yet these differences are sometimes so minimal that they are hard to notice. Today though, a slight variant stood out…like a Mac Product :)

I started at Luke 23, at which Jesus is brought before Pilate before His crucifixion. Pilate is insisting that Jesus innocent, yet the the crowd is persistent in saying that He is not.

Luke 23:5 – But they were vehement. “He’s stirring up unrest among the people with his teaching, disturbing the peace everywhere, starting in Galilee and now all through Judea. He’s a dangerous man, endangering the peace .”

I stopped after the last line and reread it- “He’s a dangerous man, endangering the peace.” I have read this passage before and simply disagreed with what the crowd was saying about Jesus, thinking that they didn’t know what they were talking about. You see though, the crowd is completely accurate in saying this, Jesus is dangerous! He does not promise a peaceful and oh so sweet life; as a matter of fact, many times Jesus does endanger the peace.

Just like actionchurch discussed in Part One of  My Name Is Joe, God does not promise to protect His followers from trouble, but instead uses the hard, challenging, and sometimes seemingly hopeless or peace-less times to ultimately heal us, make us a stronger person. At the time, a current situation may seem dangerous and hurtful, yet it is in these times that we are being molded into something we can not yet perceive. God does have a plan to turn bad things into good, and when we trust him to guide us, we have nothing to fear. So Yes, Jesus is a dangerous man, endangering the peace, yet I trust that He has a greater plan and will use any situation for something awesome!

The Most Inspiring, Spiritual, God Thing Quote, EVER.

In Honor Of Spring & Inspiring Quotes

I hope: my awesome title caught your eye, my awesome picture made you excited for spring, and my awesome sarcasm oozed out of the title. : )  Don and I were shoving chinese food down our throats the other day. (Yes, we were cheating on you Panera Bread) And we were talking about our current series (My Name Is Joe) and how character  is what really got Joseph anywhere in his life.  And blah, blah, blah, we talked more about character, and how it has played out in our lives, it was a typical lunch meeting…  It quickly occurred to me that I hadn’t eaten my fortune cookie yet, so I grabbed it viciously because Don is known to just take food that he sees and eat it.  And I read my ironic fortune…

“Ability will enable a man to get to the top, but character will keep him from falling.”

This is an official thank you to the world of chinese food, for NEVER failing us with amazing food & making our lives ironic.

Sunday Recap: A Brand New Mii – Wk 3

A Brand New Mii

Today was our last day in our “A Brand New Mii” series. It was also actionchurch’s first ever week without our fearless leader Don Record. I personally found today to be a defining point in actionchurch’s history. actionchurch the body, came alive today and as it stood up with a little miracle help from God, I could hear everybody who helped make this happen say in mad scientist voices, “It’s alive!!”. I’m not saying we don’t need Don, we definitely need him to continue to push actionchurch’s vision. But I think the actionchurch body fended pretty well for itself today, and I am proud of all of you.

James Reaves brought the message today, and man he did BRING IT. James talked about how the woman in Mark 5:22-34 who’s life was horrible for 12 years, and in one moment she became a new person. He shared a little bit of his story of how in a couple doctor’s words his life changed forever. I just want to say thanks to James for being so real with us and sharing his story. If you missed it, email, comment, or tweet us and we will hook you up with a copy.

The highlights:

The A.C All-Stars were on stage today, and there was some serious shredding coming from the stage. The drums, guitars, bass, vocals, and occasional 80’s synth, everything was just freaking sweet. And with a set list including The Beatles, Rush, Damn Yankees, and Boston, I don’t know how actionchurch could have been more awesome. Thanks for adding that last song at the last minute, amazing. Great job guys (and Lynn!), looking forward to the next time.

So yeah, we gave away a Nintendo Wii today. And while I enjoy blogging and talking, I, like Don, am horrible with names. So. Somebody got the Wii today, and I can’t remember who it was anymore. I hope you enjoying playing with the Josiah, Garrett, and Ryan Mii’s!

Ryan had my back today in the tech pit when I had to be onstage. I am really glad that we had him come on board, although it is sad that he will be leaving us in the fall to go to college. Garrett and I played a game of tennis in our argyle shirts. (I won, therefore he owes me a beer or something.) And Bill & Dave rocked setup. I got there at 9, and everything was already out!? They are getting ridiculously good at setup.

Sorry for the delay at the end of the service with getting all of the entries for winning the Wii. We did not go over an hour, but there was definitely a little dead awkward time there. And I apologize for it I know better than that) and it will not happen again.

Thanks to Christy for getting there early and brewing some awesome coffee today. It definitely put a little more hair on my chest.

actionkidz was sounding like they were having a little too much fun back there today. I wish I was 8 years old so I could run around, have a TV in the back of van and listen to the Fife’s awesome bible lessons.

Don was out visiting his favorite vacation spot (or Regan’s), the American Girl Doll Museum. One of the many places where “if you aren’t holding your daughter’s hand, and you have long hair, you might be a creeper”. I’m glad that Don, Michelle, and Regan could have the day off! We should do this again sometime. : )