
At actionchurch our creed is pretty specific – and short – and easy to understand.

Love God
Love people
Take action

Short, sweet, simple.


What is love? The more I think about it – the more I wonder if our simple little slogan isn’t bigger than we think. Love and action are pretty big words when you get right down to it.

Love could mean different things to different people. And love – is one of those words that could have different meanings at different times. For instance – if I have a cold/flu/headache – I want my family to show me love by just being quiet, leaving me alone ( JUST STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!) and not killing each other. But – other times, love to me at least, means noise and laughter and togetherness and kids running around like crazy……

At actionchurch when we have questions we turn to one source. Jesus and his Word. Chapter 13 in 1st Corinthians lays it out by telling us “Love is patient, love is kind.” It goes on to say that love isn’t envious or proud or angry; love protects and trusts and hopes and perseveres. So – that’s what love IS……

But – what does love look like?

Well, last night, at least – love looked like a big black square room turned in to a beautiful, softly lit banquet hall with gorgeous flower arrangements and great music playing in the background. Love looked like people who worked all day and then rushed to North York to work some more by serving dinner, moving tables, scrubbing dishes, pouring coffee. At the cancer survivor banquet, love looked like your weekly donations turned in to hugs and support and encouragement for a group of people struggling to face tomorrow.

In the end – all I really know is that I’m proud to be a part of a church that demonstrates love through action. You see… isn’t really effective without the other. It’s the combination of the two that can and WILL change the world. Thank you for loving AND taking action.

A fine line

It’s a fine line between plagiarization and quotes. Don’t ask me how I know – but when your mom gets that email/text/call from the teacher that goes something like this……

“Yes, Mrs. __________ – it was a really fine poster. The colors were awesome and the handwriting was very neat. However, the content was plagiarized directly from the World Book Encyclopedia.”

The correct answer is NOT –

“Well, mom, you bought me those books and they were darned expensive. Besides – those people who write those things are really really smart and I didn’t think I could say it any better than they did.”

It’s a fine line.

At actionchurch, we quote the bible. A lot. We believe the things that Jesus said and we believe that we couldn’t possibly say it any better. The things that Jesus said were so wise and He was so smart that the stories He shared are still relevant today.

One of the things Jesus (and His disciples) said over and over in different ways was that we are to love others.

“…love your neighbor as yourself…..” Mark 12:31
“Keep on loving one another….” Hebrews 13:1-1
“Above all, love each other deeply….” 1 Peter 4:8
“Be devoted to one another in love…” Romans 12:10

Please notice the abundant use of quotes.

But, the really great thing about actionchurch is that we don’t just talk about Jesus. We don’t just quote bible verses. We take action. We cross the line. In lots of different ways. And, we have the perfect opportunity for you to take action AND copy Jesus.

On Wednesday February 8th we’re throwing the doors of actionchurch wide open and inviting cancer survivors from all over York County to enjoy an evening of great food and fellowship. Anyone who wants to come out, serve, and love others is encouraged to come to the church at 4:00 on Wednesday and simply demonstrate Jesus’ love for others in a very real way. It isn’t plagiarizing – I promise!

If you’ve been with actionchurch for any length of time, you know that we are great at showing our love by feeding people! If you are new to actionchurch, this would be a perfect way for you to get to know people inside the church AND to love people outside the church.

Love God. Love people. Take action.
(I plagiarize that one every time I get the chance!)

Turn that frown upside down



“This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

So, it’s over and done for another four years. That which shall not be named, but which took exorbitant amounts of time and money, has ended. And as we all know, the sun still rose, the earth kept spinning and life has continued. I encourage you to move on.

And here’s why. Life is short, friends. We struggle to make these big, multi-year plans laying out a different future, never knowing if we will even see the end of the day, let alone the next four years. Here today and gone tomorrow, as the saying goes. So, move on – nothing to see here.

But – there is something you should see and do every day. There is joy. And you should find it. As mere humans, we can’t possibly know what the next hour holds – let alone the next day or year. So find your joy. Now. Find that ONE second of joy in each day. No matter how bad your life is, or your situation; no matter what you are going though right now – I GUARANTEE – there is one second of joy to be found.

Look for the color of a late fall flower and enjoy it. Listen for a child’s giggle as you are passing by. Watch for a smile from a stranger – and return it! Hear the sound of raindrops on a roof. Take one second – enjoy that first sip of morning coffee…..or that first breath when you open your eyes, Put on your favorite bright shirt and enjoy how it changes your perspective. Kiss your loved one goodbye every day – one second – to feel the joy of being loved unconditionally. And even if nothing else goes right in your day….you will have had that one second of pure joy to be grateful for.

My all-knowing, all wise and wonderful teenager likes to knock me, frequently – “Mooommmm – you laugh at the dumbest things…..” Yep – guilty as charged. Stupid things make me smile. I laugh at how ridiculous squirrels look when they scurry around. I giggle at the antics on the old black and white comedy shows. Silly slogans, mismatched socks, my husband singing songs from the 70’s – all make me smile as I enjoy the one second of life that I have been given.

You see – people used to tell me – “You’re only given this one day – make the most of it!” Well, I’m telling you right now, I call BS on that one. God doesn’t give us one day. He gives us one second at a time. When we learn to enjoy and value that one, teeny, tiny second – something amazing happens. Our whole perspective changes. When you are actively occupied with seeking joy – those seconds become minutes; minutes become hours….and soon we come to realize that no matter how bad our life seemed before, we can now easily find reasons to be thankful and joyous!

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

EVERY knee…


Clowns. Freddy Krueger. Credit card debt. Oddly shaped moles.

Transgender restrooms. Political discussions and commercials. Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Homemade chicken potpie. Warm socks. A mother’s hug.

I guess I’m weird. I have no other explanation for seeing a bible verse on a wrestling singlet and letting my mind mull it over and over and over again. The singlet was pretty cool. The words “Every knee shall bow” were emblazoned across the front in some wild design. (Just a side note generalization – wrestlers are not typically known for their humility or their use and memorization of bible verses) But, regardless of the desired effect on this kids’ wrestling opponents, it had a surprising effect on me.

The prophet Isaiah got the word out in the Old Testament and then Paul reminds us again, twice in the New Testament that “…For we will all stand before God’s judgement seat. It is written: ‘As surely as I live’, says the Lord, ‘every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God.’ ” (Romans 2:10-11)

Frankly, the verse kind of scares me. It’s a frightening feeling to think that someday I will stand before God’s throne – just the visual image from Sunday School days still sends chills up my spine. While I like to pat myself on the back for good deeds, praying for others and regularly tithing…..there is a heck of a lot that I’ve done and said for which I am NOT proud. Those sins that I commit every single day are ARE going to be judged. And it scares the begezzers out of me!

And if I’m perfectly honest – it also makes me a little uncomfortable. We are all going to be judged. When we stand before the throne I will be no different than an ax murderer, or a preacher, or a drug dealer, or Mother Theresa – we are all the same in God’s eyes. We are all humans. We all sin. Sins do not have categories or ranking systems. They are quite simply sins. Knowing that I’ll be standing in line to confess, awaiting my turn – just like everyone else – makes me – well…. uncomfortable.

And yet, oddly, I guess it’s really kind of comforting as well. It’s assuring to know that in this age of unrest, turmoil and chaos that one day……one day every tongue will acknowledge God. Not just believers. Not just Americans. Not just whites, blacks or purples…..but everyone – will accept the one true God. Just envision it – every single knee kneeling in obedience, in respect, in submission to authority. And every single tongue shouting praise and glory to God. Oh! What a glorious day it will be!

Scary – yes.
Uncomfortable – yes.
Comforting – double yes.

Peace I Give You


I’ve got peace like a river. I’ve got peace like a river. I’ve got peace like a river in my soul.
I’ve got love like an ocean. I’ve got love like an ocean. I’ve got love like an ocean in my soul.
I’ve got joy like a fountain. I’ve got joy like a fountain. I’ve got joy like a fountain in my soul.

We think we can do it all, don’t we? Sometimes I think we tend to look at life like a competition. In order to feel valued and loved or successful and happy we feel like we have to be that “ultimate super-human Pinterest person” we see advertised on social media.

We try to work 60 hours a week, be perfect parents/spouses/friends, hit the gym, keep our homes spotless, volunteer at church AND bake ridiculously creative cupcakes for the PTA sale……And then we just don’t understand why we’re weary and woefully unfulfilled. All this busyness just isn’t satisfying – and we end up being simply tired, empty shells.

Listen to this people!

Genesis Chapter 1 – verses 1 through 31 – God created everything. EVERYTHING. And it was good.

Genesis Chapter 2 – God rested from all the work of creating.

BABAMM!! And isn’t THAT pretty significant? The all-powerful, all-mighty God of all the universe, the creator of everything in heaven and on earth took a rest. He wanted a break; a vacation from creating.

And if THAT isn’t enough to tell you that YOU need a break…..How about this? Jesus – the ONLY TRULY ultimate super-human Pinterest (not just repost) perfect person – rested – OFTEN.

He went away from the crowds. He slept in the middle of a raging storm! He meditated privately. He took time to reconnect with his father. He went up on the mountainside to pray – alone……no kids banging on the bathroom door because he didn’t hear the oven timer repeatedly dinging and the smoke alarm starting to screech before the neighbors called the cops and the fire truck showed up…….or, whatever.

“My soul finds rest in God alone. My salvation comes from Him.” Psalm 62:1

I love that this verse is so very simple…..And at the same time – so very powerful. Rest and recovery. ONLY from one source. Not only will God give us rest, but he will also fill our empty shells with the love, joy and peace that we are so desperately searching for.

Rest AND recovery.