Thank You

Dear actionchurch,
Thank you so much for the housewarming / wedding gifts. It really means a lot to Rachel & I to have a community that loves and cares about us. I have had so much fun making actionchurch not look like Don put everything together using Microsoft Paint. And Rachel is looking forward to taking care of your kidos in actionkidz. We look forward to serving along side you and getting to know you better in the next year!

Love Rachel & Josiah

Farewell Flight @ actionchurch


This coming Sunday, November 29th, Farewell Flight will be at actionchurch.

I could go on about how their album, “Sound. Color. Motion.” was literally the soundtrack of my fall & winter last year.

Or that the lyrics are a beautiful mix of melancholy and optimism.

I might even talk to your forever about how the music switches the feel seamlessly between organic and electronic.

But. You should probably just check them out yourself on their Myspace, buy their album on iTunes, and/or

Come out Sunday and bring a friend to see them live at actionchurch!

seven is greater than one, week four podcast

seven is greater than one

This week we ended the 7>1 series by discussing how most people come to church at some level to be “ready to meet Jesus”. Whether Jesus comes back to “rapture” us next Tuesday or in 10,000 years we will still ALL meet him so we need to be ready. The big question of the day was “is going to church enough to “impress” God”. This scripture from the prophet Amos (who turns out not be THE Famous Amos) seems to say God IS NOT impressed by religious ceremony,gathering, giving, or singing. So why should we still gather together on Sunday morning?

The reason we meet together as a church is not to somehow “impress God”. We meet together to help motivate and encourage each other to lives filled with acts of love and Good works…not one day a week…everyday. Seven is greater than one!

seven is greater than one, week three podcast


This Sunday was week three of the 7>1 (seven is greater than one) series. When it comes to hearing God speak…seven truly is greater than one. Jesus discribed his relationship to his followers declaring that he is the shepherd…and we are the sheep. Cows are self sufficient. They need fences to keep them out of danger but they can care for themselves. They are driven. yelled at, and prodded by the farmer when they need to be moved. Cattle only “moo” for help when they are in trouble. Sheep need a shepherd. They are defenseless. They aren’t fenced in and driven. They follow. They know the voice of the shepherd and follow him. Their safety comes not being fenced in…but by staying close to the shepherd. Religion treats us like cattle…fences us in with rules to “keep us safe”…teaches us to “moo” when we’re in trouble or we need to be fed…teaches us that God will drive us back if we get outside of the fences. Following Jesus is about…you guessed it…Following Jesus. Like sheep follow a shepherd. Together.

Photoside Cafe @ actionchurch

Photoside Cafe

Tomorrow at actionchurch Photoside Cafe, a “aggressive, acoustic, art rock band” from Greenville, Illinois will be playing during our service. We are really excited that they decided to stop here in York during their current tour. I have seen them on multiple occasions and they are not only some of the most talented musicians that I know, but they put on an awesome show!

They recently put our a full-length album entitled “The Beauty of Innocence Remains” which you can get on iTunes, Amazon, or Rhapsody. When I saw their set list for tomorrow, I was excited, but also disappointed… We are only going to get to hear 4 songs off the album, and there are definitely more than four good songs on this record.

One of my favorite songs off the record is called “Kill Your TV” and while we all know that I have more peaceful leanings, every time I hear this song I want to punch someone (or my TV) in the face. This song didn’t make the cut, so check it out on their myspace/photosidecafe

Lastly, if you want to take a song for yourself, head over to and sign up for their newsletter. They will give you their song “Black Heart” (which you will hear tomorrow and happens to be my second favorite song on the album) FOR FREE!

Tomorrow at 11AM , come hear Photoside Cafe “aggressively” rock your face off, Don Record sum up why Seven is greater than One, and bring your friends to a “church for people who don’t like church”!