This is who I am…


“This is who I am. Take me and make me something so much more.
This is who I am. Change me and make me someone better than before.”

All through the Resume series it’s been really tempting to compare my resume to others…..I mean – who wouldn’t want to be like Moses leading the people out of Israel? Or Paul – traveling around the country starting churches?…..or maybe like Jerry D – selling guitars to rock stars like Jimi Hendrix?

Sometimes I feel like my resume is less than spectacular – but, when I take the time to examine my heart, I know that it is perfect for God and perfect for me. Honestly, though, it took me a long time to be content with where God has placed me. I struggled and fought for years….thinking that this couldn’t possibly be the best place for me ( I mean a sewer plant – really God?!?) – for my exceptional talents- for my overwhelming expertise….right? I was treading water and waiting for Proverbs 31 to discover my insightful, profound, poignant blog posts and put me on tour with Beth Moore – for heaven’s sake! I had to humble myself and accept that life isn’t about being successful (by the world’s standards)….it’s more about being significant to others.

When I look back over the years at the people I’ve me and worked with along the way I know that God placed me in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Along the path that got me here I hope and pray that I’ve been able to touch lives for Christ. By sharing my story, my resume, my life experience, my sin and even my doubts in a way that gives God the glory – I hope that I have been able to show others that God’s mercy, grace and love are available to absolutely everyone…..even a sinner, with a crazy resume – like me.

But here’s the kicker- my story isn’t over yet. I have more to add to my resume. Everywhere I go from here is an opportunity to show others Christ’s love. God can and will use all of me, all of my past experiences (good and bad) to shape my future for His purposes.

“Take me as I am – but please don’t leave me that way.
I know that you can make me better than I am today.”
-Third Day   (This Is Who I Am)

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