Sunday @ actionchurch


This week is the third week of the sermon series too long to remember (about 4 people we hope you won’t ever forget) and we ALL KNOW what that means!   No?  Ok, I’ll remind you…but it’s right there in the title.  This Sunday it’s time to talk about the third of our “four amazing people who met Jesus”…and also apparently time to “shock you”.   Challenge accepted.

This week we will talk about the “shocking” person who met Jesus both before AND after his death…and what his story teaches us about our life today!

The weeks are winding down at Frank Theaters as we prepare to move to our first permanent venue in North York. You won’t want to miss a one…So be there this Sunday, be prepared to be “shocked”. :-)  This week features new music from “Port Ellis“, some exciting updates and photos of the  renovation progress at our new venue, along with all the normal food and fun that makes actionchurch ANYTHING but a normal Sunday morning at church! We look forward to seeing you at Frank Theaters Queensgate- 10:30 am (DIRECTIONS), and as usual, the actionkidz crew has a fantastic hour of learning and fun planned for your kids (infant to 6th grade) as well.

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