Turkey Time!


One of the many blessings that we have to give thanks for this year as a church is the partnership that we enjoy with our venue, Frank Theaters. Besides being simply a GREAT place to have a church service each week (and thoughtfully decorated in “actionchurch colors” of red, black, and silver :-) ), it’s also great to work together to serve people in our community as a team. Over past few years we’ve participated in numerous food drives, and have been blessed to sponsor their family movie series for the past two summers.  However, one of the coolest things that the theater management does each year is deliver complete turkey dinners to families in need within our local community.

This Sunday we put out the call for Turkeys and all the “accessory foods” that make up Thanksgiving Dinner.  Of course you all responded immediately, but we still need (5) turkeys and loads more “fixin’s”.  Could you bring any of those items Sunday?   It may seem like a small thing to ask,  but it will make a huge difference this holiday for someone on Thanksgiving Day.

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