Message Delivered


As ANYONE who does public speaking regularly will tell you, every time you get behind the mic will not be a “home run”.  Every time will not come out the way you hoped.  Every joke will not be funny. Every example will not seem as clear to your audience as it seemed in your head. Every “point” will not make the point you hoped. I’ve definitely experienced ALL of those those things, and many more “failures to communicate” over the years I’ve been blessed to preach at actionchurch.

However, sometimes it’s the thing you didn’t plan that is the MOST important.  Something that you didn’t expect to be powerful that makes the biggest difference. Each week I submit the slides in text only to Josiah, and after MANY hours spent on Saturday, they “magically reappear” as art on Sunday. :-)  This Sunday morning I saw the finished product just minutes before you did.  To say the least I thought Josiah had outdone himself. ( And, if you are keeping score at home, I thought the spoken part of the message was at best a single…on base…but definitely not a “home run”.)  However, this image that Josiah created from one of my main points has stuck with me all week.  It is the good news of the Bible, The good news of Jesus, the good news of a loving father God in heaven captured in a powerful way that I just couldn’t have planned if I had tried.

I am thankful to do church as a team.

I am thankful that it’s not all “up to me” to communicate the good news.

Most of all I am grateful to serve a God that is Eternal, Powerful, VERY Good, and oh so Merciful.

Message Delivered.

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