The Little Church that could…

Among my list of all-time favorite kid’s stories is the one about the little train engine puffing his way up the slope and never giving up.

It always reminds me of actionchurch.

Last week Don shared the story of how actionchurch started up the slope with a lot of perseverance.  Over and over again, he approached the owners of Fat Daddy’s until finally someone said yes.  From there it was all straight tracks and smooth sailing – a drive in the country – a joy ride……NOT!!!!

It’s been more like riding on the train that is on the tracks from Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham.  “What a long, strange trip it’s been!”  Up and down.  Around and around.  Bumpy tracks.  Broken tracks.  Missing tracks.  And a funny looking little train….BUT we keep right on going. Perseverance.

We love God.  We love people.  We take action. Over and over and over again.  Chugging up the hill.  We love God.  We love people.  We take action.  (We think we can, we think we can, we think we can)  Perseverance. And a lot of God moments along the way.

During the service on Sunday – the question was posed …. ”Do God moments still happen?”  My family would have withered with embarrassment if I would have jumped up and shouted “HALLEJUAH!  AMEN BROTHER!!”  like I wanted to.  We don’t tend to do that much at actionchurch J  But, the point is that the answer was – “YES”.  And I have personally seen them happen.

God’s moments of grace happen when we as humans get to the point where we can’t possibly do something without His presence.  Even if we work hard and persevere, there will be times when we start sliding backwards down that slope.  But God comes along and adds GRACE to the engine and all of a sudden things start to happen that we never even dreamed could happen.

I saw God moments this very week all along the broken and bumpy train tracks.  And I KNOW that I will see God moments throughout the coming weeks as we move into a very important event in the life of our church.

No spoiler alert.  I am not going to ruin the surprise.  Just get on board – become a part of that funny looking train and go along for the ride.  I can’t promise that it won’t be a bumpy ride – BUT – I can GUARANTEE you will witness some God moments along the way.

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